
Hi-Pen RFID pen set to launch

RFID pen

Sooner or later there will be RFID tags in everything, but for now we can still be impressed when someone finds a new, semi-useful implementation for them. The latest is the Hi-Pen, an RFID-enabled pen developed by Allwrite and Fisher Spacepen. It basically just does everything an RFID tag does (oooh) and you can write with it (ahhh). The idea is to hand them out to attendees at a conference, giving them access to perks like a free lunches and Cokes (their example, not ours). After the conference, you'lll receive a personalized pen stand in the mail that doubles as a secure log-on system for his computer. Now we're not ones to turn down free stuff, but if we're locking up our computer we'd use something we're less likely to lose than a pen.