
A Wii $150?

In this week's edition of Way Too Good To Be True, we bring you ... the $150 Wii! Vibe magazine (a bastion of gaming information) listed the Wii's price in their latest issue and it's got the fanboys all abuzz. Who knows? It may not be too far off. There is a long and glorious tradition of magazines "slipping" and letting information loose before they were supposed to do so. You'd think that by now, publishers might have mastered that whole street date and timing issue.

$150 does seem a little low, but it's long been the bottom of the theoretical price range. Nintendo is working overtime to snag as big a market share as possible this year, so we're not ruling anything out , not even a possibility as delicious as this one.

Expect more rumors, the crazier the better, over the next few days. After all, after September 14, there shouldn't be many more, right? Because we'll know.

If we don't, we fully expect riots in the streets.