
How modders saved Oblivion [update 1]

[Update: We covered this exact article yesterday. Consider this a different angle and color me foolish.]

Pixel Rage has compiled a list of user-made modifications for Oblivion that should never have been necessary (i.e. features that should have been in the game out of the box). Oblivion, for all its praise, is strewn with bugs and other maladies that degrade the overall experience. You might find that harsh and overcritical, but we think its warranted to hold a title that spent over three years in development (on an engine the developer had been using for almost eight years) to higher standards.

The modifications listed include:

  • More realistic weather patterns, vegetation, and habitat, including the addition of birds and insects.

  • Murkier, more transparent / realistic water effects.

  • Light that shines through windows at night.

  • Adding side effects to drinking too much wine (it's about time we get double vision for dipping to much into Skingrad's finest ... ).

  • Inventory list customization.

  • Interjections of silence within the constant soundtrack (a clever way to add to the atmosphere).

  • Unique icons for spells.

  • Various quest-specific fixes.

It's wonderful to see the community perfect the game, but what are Xbox 360 owners to do? When the "vampire cure" quest was found to be broken, PC users could fix the problem themselves, while console gamers were forced to reload an earlier save (or, in worst situations, restart the game). Bethesda is currently working on Fallout 3 using a variation of the same engine used in Morrowind / Oblivion; let's hope they get the kinks out this time.

[via Penny Arcade]