
Mac OS 10.4 gets answer to Windows Live friends list

Mac users sometime get the shaft from Microsoft. Messenger is neutered, for one thing, especially on the Xbox Live front. So, James Howard decided to do something about it, and wrote MacLive, giving users with Mac OS 10.4 a cool little app to view their friends list with. It even has Growl alerts, allowing you to track specific friends or games' activity. Here, we can see Dustin Burg doing what he does ... well, not exactly "best", but maybe "most". Geometry Wars #1 player K4rn4ge hitting up Root Beer Tapper, having recently completed it. And finally we have community member and fellow podcaster TheMan661 hitting up Lost Planet's multiplayer.* So, all in all, the app works pretty good, and Howard says that after today's attention, he'll be sprucing up the features in the coming days, and we'll keep you posted. So, have you tried this, and do you find it useful?

[Thanks, Darksaviour69]

*Gamertags shown with owner's permission.