
The Missing iPhone Data Plan

As you're well aware, data plans are pricey and limited. For example, AT&T recently revealed its new data options for the prepaid GoPhone service. $5 for one prepaid megabyte of data and $10 for 5MB. Other data plans charge a half penny or a penny per KB, or about $5 to $10 per megabyte. Bottom line, data costs a lot.

So here comes Steve Jobs telling us that iPhone will do the "real" internet, none of this namby-pamby made-for-mobile sites. We're even talking YouTube video, some of the most bandwidth-intensive data on the net. Do you really want to pay $5 per video to watch a dog skateboarding? Maybe you should only use YouTube when you're on a WiFi connection.

So where are the pricing details? It's only 4 more days until iDay. Will Mark Siegel's promise of a pre-29th rate plan disclosure hold up?

And how much would you pay to watch a single YouTube video?

Update: Boy Genius Report claims possible inside knowledge about the iPlan: $35-$45, unlimited data, 2000 text or unlimited text.