
PC Mag columnist calls Wii "computing wonder of the world"

When you limit your compilation of computing wonders of the world to a mere seven, you're going to become quite familiar with lists. Crossing things off and comparing/contrasting will become second nature to you, as your discerning eye will evolve into an almost superhuman sense.

And that's what PC Mag's Lance Ulanoff has just finished doing. In drafting up this feature, securing the Wii as number two on his illustrious list must've been difficult. Citing the motion-sensitive controls and drama surrounding Nintendo's ability to bring the supply up to the demand as the main reasons for its fascination, Lance forgot to mention that the Wii is damn near the best time one can have with company anymore. Not since Pictionary can we think of such a universally enjoyed social activity.

[Thanks, Neal! We had ourselves a good laugh at this.]