
Harvest Moon DS Confusion

The new entry in the Harvest Moon series, called Harvest Moon DS Cute, is something of a mystery to us. Why is this specific one cute, compared to all the other cute Harvest Moon games? Do you grow teddy bear plants or something?

We think we've figured it out. What has happened is that twoHarvest Moon games have gotten mixed up-- a confusing situation that we will do our best to untangle.

We're guessing that the Harvest Moon DS Cute we're getting early next year is the female-focused version of the first Harvest Moon DS. Like other girls' Harvest Moons, it's the same as the original, with the genders swapped on the protagonist and the love interests. Thus, the 'cute' is a hint at its girl-targeted design. This is all speculative, of course.

The game we've seen recently in scans and in this new GAME Watch article is a sequel to these Harvest Moons, called (roughly) Harvest Moon: The Sparkling Sun and Friends. It's a new game with Wi-Fi integration. We don't think this one is Cute, mostly because it's too new and unlikely to make that release window.

There are too many Harvest Moon games.