
Personalizing your profile on Massively

Have you been itching to add your own personal icon to your Massivelycomments but haven't had the time to create your own? Don't know even where to begin personalizing your icon? Well, you're in luck, because we here at Massively are all about making life easier for you, the reader. To that end we've put together a couple icons from today's top MMOs to get you started. To select a pre-made icon from the gallery below, simply download it to your desktop (right-click then save) and upload it to your profile.

For those of you interested in making your own icons, it's a fairly simple process. Open up your favorite graphic editor (Photoshop et. al.) and create an image that is 64 pixels wide and 64 pixels tall. I recommend working with a larger image and scaling it down, since the format is a little small to work with. Be sure to save it somewhere easy to find -- those buggers are little, and blend in easily with the wildlife ensconced on your hard drive -- and voila, you've got a personalized piece of iconography of your very own.
