
Simon says: yes to settlement, this time

Rase Kenzo (aka Thomas Simon) has pulled a 180, and accepted a settlement offered by Frank Taney, the lawyer representing six well-known Second Life content creators.

One of the conditions of the settlement is that everyone keeps quiet about the whole thing - however the terms of the settlement that have been presented to the court for approval are available.

  • Simon will hand over his Paypal and Second Life transaction records.

  • Simon swears that he only profited by $525 USD - and that he was the only person involved. He may be subject to perjury charges if either is not the case.

  • Simon is to pay up the $525 USD, and to keep the plaintiffs informed of any other Second Life accounts he creates or uses in future.

  • Simon declares that he has destroyed all unauthorized copies of the plaintiffs content that he still had.

  • Simon won't do it again, or assist others in doing so.

The order, if the court approves, should go through in the next several days or so.

Simon rejected a previous settlement offer, but seems to have thought better of his chances of fighting this case in court.

[via Virtually Blind]