
Dramatic Trailer for Sakura Taisen

The Sakura Taisen series never really took off in the West, mostly on account of never being released there. But in Japan, where copies were printed and sold, the franchise (early-1900's dating game with big robots) is big time. The DS spinoff, Dramatic Dungeon Sakura Taisen: Kimi Arugatame, swaps out the tactical strategy parts of the original series for a dungeon crawl, but leaves the relationship-building.

As usual, this trailer is heavy on the FMV and light on the gameplay, but you can still get an idea of what the dungeon-crawler looks like. There are also plenty of screens at the link, if you want to look at the actual game. But to be honest, that anime footage is going to do more to galvanize Sakura fans than the game itself.