
Final Fantasy XI Feast of Swords event begins April 28th

Those rapscalion Moogles are at it again. The Feast of Swords event, a chance for the children of the three kingdoms to get some culture, has once again been endangered by relic thieves! This time the Moogles were ... sort of ... ready for them. They actually sent the thieves information tipping them off to the Samuari armor's location, making sure they'd steal the relics in a timely fashion. They've given us, the adventurers of Final Fantasy XI's Vana'diel, plenty of advance warning that these thugs are coming.

So be ready! April 28th marks the start of the event, which will run through May 7th. During that time you can take place easily by grabbing a ibushi shinai (a special wooden katana) from Moogles in the three Kingdoms. Speak with another Moogle in one of the many early zones to appropriately tune your character to the content. The Feast is a fantastic holiday as characters of every level can take part; even if you play a max-level monster your avatar will be dropped to level 1. The full details on the event are available at the official FFXI site. The lore surrounding last year's Feast might be of interest for contrast, and the FFXIclopedia has a guide covering the 2006 experience. Make sure to arm yourself properly, and good luck fighting the bandits!