
New release: Blender animation exporter

Jacek Antonelli has released a new version of her Blender animation exporter that allows use of Blender's sophisticated (and free) animation suite to create animations for Second Life.

This release focuses primarily on the user-interface, improving the layout to make things a whole lot easier for those who are not already Jedi-masters of the Blender package; and a mighty good change it is, too, as you can see above.

Changes this release include:

  • Changed window layout to be grouped more logically.

  • Panel headers are now at the top, as is standard in most UIs.

  • Moved the button toolbar to the Tweaking screen (Ctrl-Right).

  • Minor UI tweaks to the exporter script.

  • Auto-key is enabled by default.

  • Removed mesh UV maps and materials to reduce file size.

Grab it through here (or if that doesn't work, try the direct link).