
Apple posts Snow Leopard Server information

Many people forget that Apple makes 2 variants of OS X for Macs: client (that's the one you run on your personal Mac) and Server (which is normally found on a server, oddly enough). We've already posted (twice) about the client version of Snow Leopard, but what about Apple's next iteration of their server product?

Head on over to the Mac OS X Server Snow Leopard page that Apple just put up, and you'll find out a thing or two about what your Mac server will be serving up in about a year or so. Amongst the new features we find:

  • iCal Server 2: Adds group and shared calendars as well as a way to invite non-iCal Server users to meetings and events. Also includes a web app to let people access their calendars on the go.

  • Podcast Producer 2: This little known Apple app makes creating content and getting it into the iTunes Store a snap. This version looks like it adds a number of great features including support for recording both the presenter and the presentation they are giving and a way to locally host your podcasts.

  • Address Book Server: This new component lets you share contacts across machines, as well as create a central Address Book without having to have an LDAP server.

  • ZFS: The long rumored addition of Sun's file-system is finally coming to OS X Server. Snow Leopard will be able to both read and write to ZFS volumes.

All in all, Snow Leopard Server seems to add quite a few new features.

Thanks, Nate.