
MS will be Bringing it Home from E3, Too Human demo confirmed!

Microsoft just made two huge E3 related announcements this morning. The first being that they'll be connecting E3 and Xbox Live users by holding another Bringing it Home campaign! And we know how much our fellow fanboys love their Bringing it Home. Complete with daily E3 wrap-ups, game trailers, game videos, screenshots, gamer pictures, themes and game demos, Bringing it Home will allow gamers to experience all the goodness that E3 has to offer all from the comforts of their Xbox 360 and the Xbox Live Marketplace. Microsoft's second huge announcement, Bringing it Home will be bringing a Too Human demo home to the XBLM sometime next week during E3. A Too Human demo, w00tacular! Also, be sure to mark your E3 Bingo Cards, because we just received our first official free space!