
Sony answers some questions you may have about Qore

The third episode of Qore hits the PSN tomorrow and the PlayStation Blog has updated their site to let you know what's on it. While that's all well and good, they also take the time to answer several questions readers have had about the service. We thought we'd bring their answers to your attention.

You can re-download Qore, but if you delete a particular episode and re-download it later, you won't be privy to time-sensitive content like exclusive demos and betas. As new episodes come out, they say they will not overwrite old episodes so you can keep them all individually. Just don't delete them if you're a collector. As for remote play, they are currently evaluating the PSP as a medium for viewing Qore -- we're sure piracy is some kind of an issue there. New annual subscribers may someday get access to older PSN titles are bonuses for signing up. Advertisers are allowed 15 seconds of advertisement per run of Qore, meaning you are forced to watch the ads once while the episode is active, but can skip it after that. We'll all get to enjoy the third episode tomorrow with the PS Store update.

[Update: fixed a misinterpretation in the post. Sorry!]