
One Shots: Distracting your opponents

It's perhaps a slightly underhanded tactic, but if it works, why not? Today's Warhammer Online One Shots comes to us from ScytheNoire who unleashed a small flood of Warhammer Online shots on us. Sadly he didn't give us a note to go along with this image. Of course we think it fairly well speaks for itself - if you want to get the attention of the opposing force and flummox them, why not head into battle wearing only the barest slip of armor and see what happens. It certainly got our attention!

If you've snagged a screenshot of a massing army, a central city, or a battle, we want to see those screens! All games are welcome, from the large-name titles to indie games. Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description. We'll post it for everyone to ogle.