
'Ultimate' Burnout Paradise cruises to European retail Feb. 6th [update]

EA just announced that they'll be releasing the ultimo supremo edition of Burnout Paradise, The Ultimate Box, to retail on February 6th -- in Europe. While North America will get the PC version via retail on November 5th, the 360 and PS3 versions will only make it to European stores. Sad emoticon!

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box includes the full retail edition of Burnout Paradise, both Cagney and the bike DLC updates PLUS the upcoming Party Pack DLC that adds new party game modes, a restart option, easier controls for earlier vehicles and more. The Party Pack DLC will also be available via the XBLM alongside the Ultimate Pack's release, both in Europe and North America (happy emoticon!). Oh, and those who just want the plain edition of Burnout Paradise will be pleased to know that its retail price has dropped to a wallet-friendly $19.99.

[Update: The Ultimate Box is exclusive to PC in North America.]