
Champions Online dev blog talks designing Nemesis system missions

As its release date creeps ever closer, we're bound to continue seeing more peeks into the development process of Champions Online. This particular look at the game lifts the curtain on designing Nemesis missions, an interesting topic considering we haven't heard too much about the system beyond its basic feature parameters.

Mostly what's discussed is the challenge of giving your nemesis more to do than kidnap people or try to rob a bank. Granted, they'll probably do that, but it depends on the personality you give them. Are they a maniac, a savage or a mastermind? Maybe they're something else even more dastardly, it's all up to you and that's the system's beauty.

We're considering making an evil robotic penguin themed nemesis. Our only difficulty is in decided what to call him. The Menacing Waddler? Hmm, that has possibilities.