
One Shots: The desert at dawn

Despite the mutated chickens with enormous jaws, hideously deformed wolves, giant bugs, and the plethora of crazed humans out to kill you, there are moments of peace to be found in the scrub-lands of Fallen Earth. Today we have this image of a clone, recently having found himself thrust into the harsh reality of a post-apocalyptic world, left to find his own way. Even with all the things out to maim, eat, skewer, mutilate or just flat-out kill him, Armstrong couldn't resist stopping to enjoy a quiet moment before the sun came up. He sent along this note: [Here's] Armstrong watching the sunrise in the horizon outside of Clinton FARM. Hope you enjoy it!

If you're playing Fallen Earth, or any other small indie studio MMO that you'd like to show off, we'd love to see some screenshots from you! Just email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick note about what we're seeing. We'll post it out here for everyone to look at and give you the credit.