
Xbox Live Arcade Block Party games, Game Room dated

March is going to be a pretty intense month for XBLA releases. So intense, in fact, that it's all being bundled under one promotional moniker: Block Party. Microsoft recently announced specific dates and prices for each of the games therein, and boy oh boy, has its saved the best for ... um, next-to-last.

We already knew March 3 would see the release of Toy Soldiers for 1200

($15). On March 10, we'll get our hands on Slick Entertainment's brutal racer, Scrap Metal, for 1200

($15). On March 17, we'll be stocking up on supplies, boarding up the doors and windows, and enjoying Perfect Dark, available for 800

($10). Things will come to a crescendo on March 24, when the Game Room hub will be released at no charge. The platform's games will run you 400

($5) for a PC and 360-friendly version, 240

($3) for just the 360 version, or 40

($.50) for a single play.