
One Shots: Switching sides

In Aion, players are getting ready for the upcoming Assault on Balaurea expansion, slated to hit the servers on September 7th. While some are planning to head for the public test realms in upcoming days, others are choosing to reroll their characters and get to leveling before the new content lands. Today, we have a great One Shots and note from Format, who has recently returned to Aion, and writes in:

"[There's] nothing symbolic to what this picture shows to some people, but to me it shows a lot. I just resubbed and this time I am trying out the Elyos. This is the starter area outside of Akarios Village. Even though this game, claimed by others, has a 'low rez polygon count,' I still find it to be beautiful. This is my, for now, level 6 scout named Format. The road ahead of me looks simple and it seems that there is nothing too special about it, but just around the corner there is a whole new world of discovery. What lies ahead for this character of mine? Time will only tell, but I am eager to find out. To me, a simple picture shows a lot more than others perceive."

Do you have a game that you love, no matter what others might say? Feel like telling us why you think it's awesome? Send your screenshot and tale to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. You never know -- yours could be the next one featured here on Massively!