
Cataclysm currency exchange rates

Blizzard has released the currency conversion rates for the upcoming Cataclysm changes. Remember that these conversions will take place when patch 4.0.1 is released. There will be a "soft cap" at the conversion, so all your work won't just disappear, but there will eventually be a hard cap. Check out the original post for a detailed explanation.

The Cataclysm currency conversion rates in brief are:

To gold:

  • Emblem of Heroism = 5.5 gold each

  • Emblem of Valor = 5.5 gold each

  • Emblem of Conquest = 5.5 gold each

  • Badge of Justice = 1.833 gold each

To honor:

  • Old Honor * 0.024

  • Old Arena Points * 0.85

  • Battleground Mark of Honor * 2.976

  • Wintergrasp Mark of Honor * 19.08

  • Stone Keeper Shard * 1.6

  • Venture Coin * 3

  • Spirit Shard * 1

To justice points:

  • (Emblems of Triumph + Emblems of Frost ) * 2.75

The full Blizzard announcement after the break. Check out MMO-Champion for a quick and easy calculator.

Here's some information on how each of the currencies will be converted in the next content patch. Keep in mind these values may change, and they can get a bit math heavy. Just know that our intent is to appropriately value each mark and provide a conversion we feel is fair.

The following items are immediately converted to gold:

Your New Honor Points total will be the sum of the following amounts:

Your Justice Points total will be equal to (Emblems of Triumph + Emblems of Frost ) * 2.75

Again, the softcap for both Honor and Justice conversions is 4000 points. This means that if a character converts to above 4,000 points, it will not be possible for them to earn more until they fall below the 4,000 cap.

A hardcap will be implemented in a following patch before Cataclysm's release. At that time, any excess points above 4,000 will be converted as follows:

  • Emblem of Heroism = 5.5 gold each

  • Emblem of Valor = 5.5 gold each

  • Emblem of Conquest = 5.5 gold each

  • Badge of Justice = 1.833 gold each

  • Old Honor * 0.024

  • Old Arena Points * 0.85

  • Battleground Mark of Honor * 2.976

  • Wintergrasp Mark of Honor * 19.08

  • Stone Keeper Shard * 1.6

  • Venture Coin * 3

  • Spirit Shard * 1

  • Honor points above 4,000 are converted to gold at a rate of 35 silver per point of Honor.

  • Justice points above 4,000 are converted to gold at a rate of 2 gold per point of Justice