
One Shots: Awaiting the next invasion

With the RIFT beta NDA down today, I couldn't resist sharing this panoramic shot from my own personal experience in the game. (As a bonus, it's also available full-size, since the gallery doesn't like panoramic images.) In this screenshot, my character had stopped to survey a collection of shacks and lean-tos huddling on the shore. The haze hinted that something wasn't quite right with the otherwise-peaceful scene. Sure enough, within a few minutes, a rift popped up between the fishing village and a nearby graveyard, at which point everyone headed toward the rift to defend the village from attack. Thinking we'd beaten them back, I was surprised to find another rift materializing just behind the shadowy castle and graveyard outlined atop the ridge in this screenshot. It certainly proved to be an exciting day in game!

If you were part of the RIFT beta and would like to share your own screenshot, pick an awesome one and email it in to us here at along with your name and a description of what we're seeing. Please make sure it's at least 1024px wide and has no visible UI elements. If it's picked, we'll post it out here and give you the credit for sending it in!