
It came from the Blog: Join us for a Love-in

It came from the Blog Join us for a Lovein

We at It came from the Blog want to hold a protest -- the best kind of protest there is: a Love-in. For those of you who aren't hip to the 60's lingo, a Love-in is just a particularly groovy Sit-in. The protesters hang out in a public place and protest peacefully, but the theme is love, since love is in the air, as you know.

What will we be protesting? You can't buy alcohol in the Undercity. Seriously, how is that even legal?

  • When: Saturday, Feb. 16 at Noon EST (9 a.m. PST, 10 a.m. server time)

  • Where: Meet in front of Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H)

  • Who: Any Horde player level 10 or above

  • How: Ask Tizzi or any It came from the Blog member for an invite, if you aren't already in our family of guilds

Tizzi will be providing transportation as needed via mage port, which is why you need to be at least level 10 so that you can join the raid.

Anyone is welcome to join us and support the cause. If you're Alliance, please make a character just to help out. We appreciate all the support we can get.

So join us for our very first Love-in. Just make sure to wear something alluring, and bring booze.

Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in It came from the Blog. All guild ranks can invite, so /whisper Tizzi or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.