
Lovefilm discontinues game rentals for new customers

Although Lovefilm hasn't said outright that it's removing game rentals from its list of services, evidence indicates the company looks to be phasing them out. The Amazon subsidiary and UK competitor to Netflix has discontinued offering them to new customers as of June 24, and customers with a non-games subscription cannot switch over to one that would include game rentals. At the moment, the service appears to be limited to existing Lovefilm customers with a specific game rental subscription.

"In order to give the best possible service that we can, we are looking to focus on our strength, which is providing the best selection of film and TV content for our customers, and making it available whenever and wherever you want it," reads a statement on Lovefilm's FAQ page.

Lovefilm is one of the UK's foremost providers of games rentals, so its exit from the ring would leave few premier alternatives for consumers in the country. The news follows what was a torrid first few months of the year for UK games retail. High street outlets HMV and Blockbuster were both forced into buyouts after effectively going bankrupt, hemorrhaging stores and employees as a result.