
Using the iPhone or iPod touch to introduce photography to children

iPhone camera

If you're like me, you may have an older iPhone or iPod touch kicking around your desk drawer. Instead of letting that hardware sit unused, put the device into the hands of your children and use it to teach them the basics of photography. iOS devices are so easy to use that even the youngest, school-aged kids can take some fantastic photographs using these projects below and some tips from you. Look at each photo as a way to teach them about the effects of lighting, avoiding limp chops and more.

You can find some other wonderful projects for both younger and older kids on the Click it Up a Notch blog.

Photographing Dolls or Action Figures

Have your child practice portrait photography using dolls or action figures as their subjects. You can dress them in an array of outfits, pose them and change their scenery with minimal effort. Best of all, the always-willing subjects will never complain that they are bored or too tired to pose.

Photographing ABCs

Give your child an extended photography project by having them shoot a photo of an object that starts with each letter of the alphabet. One of the biggest benefits of this project is that it helps put your child into a photographic frame of mind while they go about their day. As they go to the park or play inside, they will be keeping their eyes open for those items that they need for the project. This way of thinking is essential to photographers who are always on the lookout for that perfect moment or perfect shot to capture.

As an added benefit, these alphabet photos can be stored or printed and used to teach pre-k children their ABCs. My older children love showing their own handiwork to their siblings. It's a great teaching opportunity and bonding moment as the older child introduces the letters and, inevitably, shares a story or two about the photo they took.

Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of 20 items and send your child off with their camera to find and photograph each one. Kids love scavenger hunts, which means the process of photography will be fun for them and not tedious. You want your child to learn to love photography and not turn it into chore.

Story Writing

Have you child take a photograph and then write a story about it. The narrative can describe the scene or it can be a fictional account that complements the photo. Older kids can be challenged to capture a series of photos and turn them into longer story or even a comic.