
Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition round table: Should you upgrade?

Diablo 3 raises a lot of questions. If angels don't have heads and faces, why do they exclusively wear hoodies? Does the witch doctor have a chronic illness or is he just shaking like that because he drank way too much coffee? Biggest of all, though, is this whopper: Should you take this chance to upgrade?

With Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition gracing PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this week, the Joystiq crew has been asking that very question. Richard Mitchell, a Diablo veteran back to the original game, joins console-only player Susan Arendt and complete Diablo neophyte Anthony John Agnello for a roundtable discussion of how best to enter the series while discussing their experiences with Ultimate Evil Edition on PlayStation 4.

[Images: Blizzard]