
YouTube Find: Cheer on this iPad robot as it escapes from its conference room confinement


Double Robotics had a clever idea to market Double, its iPad-equipped telepresence robot -- instead of a plain jane demonstration video, the company setup a robot in a conference room and allowed the public to control it over the Internet. Users could move the Seqway-style robot using a web-based interface, but they were limited to the confines of the room, until one day when all h*!! broke loose.

On that fateful day, a user discovered that the door to the robot's conference room prison was left slightly ajar. After a painstaking series of gentle nudges, the robot managed to open the door and break free from his captivity. He took a night-time tour of the entire office and returned safely home without detection. You can't help but cheer him on as makes his prison escape in the YouTube video below.

[Via Hackaday and Laughing Squid]