
Google Maps real-time transit info is now available in more places

Public transportation info has been in Google Maps for quite some time, but today the feature is seeing some handy improvements. First, when you select a transit option in the app, you're served a a list of options that will not only show you the next bus or train, but how long you'll be playing Candy Crush if you miss it alongside some alternative options. The details are updated in real time and you can expect to leverage the tool in more places, too. Google added partners to the list in six new locales: UK, Netherlands, Budapest, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle. While public transit info was available for those spots, you can now access real-time info as well. The folks in Mountain View say today's news brings schedules for over 2.5 million stations, stops, terminals and more worldwide. Heck, you'll even be able to see when your train leaves on your wrist.