

  • Turbine confirms five new LotRO instances by the end of the year

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    While a new expansion is usually a cause for celebration, some Lord of the Rings Online players have expressed disappointment that September's Rise of Isengard lacks new instances outside of the much-ballyhooed 24-man raid. Between convention appearances, Turbine's Sapience confirmed on the forums that while Isengard players won't be enjoying any additional three-man or six-man dungeons, more will come by the end of the year in Update 5: We are currently preparing five new instances for release post-Isengard. Rise of Isengard will be released on September 27 along with a 24-player raid. There will be 3 three-player, 1 six-player and 1 twelve-player instance released in Update 5, the first update after the release of Rise of Isengard. These instances will be free to any player who has pre-purchased the Rise of Isengard expansion or who purchases after launch via the Turbine web store. Update 5 will be available before the end of the year. Rise of Isengard will be on display at Turbine's booth this weekend at PAX in Seattle.