

  • Seen@Develop: BBC Tech Editor Darren Waters and Guardian GamesBlogger Greg Howson

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    On the second day of Develop, Jen and I got into a conversation with Darren Waters (right), the new Technology Editor over at BBC Interactive. In the middle of the conversation I mentioned The Guardian, and then the dude on the left piped up and said "I work for them". Turns out it was Greg Howson, a writer for The Guardian who blogs at The Guardian's GamesBlog. We spent most of the time talking about blogging: how the BBC wants to do it, how The Guardian is very brave to already be doing it and how we don't know anything else.Read - Greg's write-up of DevelopRead - Darren's interview with Bungie legend Marty O'Donnell (quaint picture)