

  • Gemini-Scout robot can scope out mining accidents, may save lives (video)

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    We've seen robots capable of entering hazardous nuclear plants and dangerous buildings, but engineers at Sandia Labs have now unveiled a new rescue bot that's explicitly designed to enter and investigate collapsed mines, as well. Measuring just two feet tall and less than four feet in length, the Gemini-Scout Mine Rescue Robot packs a set of gas sensors, a thermal camera and a two-way radio, allowing it to detect dangerous underground materials and relay critical information to above-ground rescue workers. Its can also navigate across rocky terrain, tight quarters, or flooded tunnels, and is sturdy enough to carry food and other supplies to trapped miners. Operators, meanwhile, can manipulate the Gemini-Scout using only an Xbox 360 controller, which was incorporated into the system on the strength of its intuitive design and UI. Sandia's engineers demoed their bot last week in DC and are hoping to begin licensing it to rescue agencies by the end of next year. Crawl past the break for a video of their creation, along with a full press release.