

  • /blink: 1994 - 2013

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    As much as we'd thought that blinking text had already gone the way of our first Angelfire fanpage, it's only now that the much-loathed HTML tag has met its maker. Firefox 23 has officially axed support for the tag, joining the ranks of Chrome, Safari and Opera in a group of would-be assassins. Like many bad decisions, blinking was conceived after a long night of drinking, with Netscape's founding engineer Lou Montulli lamenting the limitations of Lynx in a bar. While Lynx couldn't run a huge majority of HTML extensions that he and his team were spit-balling, it transpired that blinking text would, and the rest is a history that we'd rather put behind us. It's just a shame that Mozilla can't erase our youthful indiscretion so easily.