

  • Need a Mac or iPhone developer? TUAW job boards are here!

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    Notice anything new at TUAW? We've had our job boards up for a week now, making sure all the tape would stick when new jobs were posted, and I'm proud to say that the doors are wide open for job seekers and for those looking to fill positions. We've got a button up top that'll take you straight to the boards, and on every post there's a handy button (see below) which will start populating with relevant job searches based on the content of our posts. Still not convinced? Did I mention that those looking for hires will see their jobs on our boards, on the boards at Download Squad, plus those jobs are sent over to Juju, Simply Hired, Indeed and other job aggregation services. TUAW and Download Squad together serve up over ten million views a month, and serve over a million visitors each month. If you don't think your job posting will get seen, think again. We'll also write up interesting and amazing people and positions right here on the main page of TUAW from time to time, further extending your hiring reach. If you're looking for developers, designers, Mac sysadmins or just about anything else, stop by the TUAW job boards and give it a try.