

  • 360 Fanboy nominated for '06 XCAs!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Oh, how we have waited for this day. Our good friends at Gamertag Radio have nominated little old us, Xbox 360 Fanboy, for the 2006 Xbox Community Awards. What's more, we're nominated in two different categories. So, if you feel that Xbox 360 Fanboy is the best 360 news site or the best 360 blog (or both!), head over to GTR and vote. You'll have to register for their forums to participate, which is a fairly painless process. We'd like to thank GTR for the nod, and we'd also like extend our congratulations to the other nominees -- including some of our favorite contributors like, Piñata Island, Gearheads of War,,, and The Xbox Domain. See the complete list at Gamerscore Blog.Last year's award ceremony hosted the likes of TriXie, TeamXbox, the PMS Clan, and even bald headed wunderkind, J Allard. Godfree and the gang are promising that this year will hold a few surprises as well. So, go vote for us and stay tuned for the show coming this December. We promise here and now that if we win, we won't refer to you, our readers, as "the little people" in our acceptance speech.

  • Gamertag Radio 2.0

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Miami's favorite Xbox Live Community hip-hop podcast is sporting a new website design. While you're waiting for them to finish the update you can catch up on old shows at host Godfree's blog.

  • GoW kicks: It's gotta be the shoes

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Sneaker fan PinkSage posted her design for a Gears of War basketball shoe in the GamerTag Radio forums. Where are Nike and Epic on this, because these blood-encrusted kicks would make a sweet promotional item. Emergence Day: It's gotta be the shoes.

  • More videos from Digital Life

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Gamertag Radio (with Godfree and friends) is starting to piss us off. First they get to go to Digital Life in NYC. Then they have the nerve to post a bunch of videos the first day. Now they go and do it again! To top it all off, Godfree got the sweet RoboBlitz shirt pictured above. It's like they just love to make us feel unwanted. But, that's just the way it goes. After the break you can check out videos of RoboBlitz (listen to its hip-hop theme song here), Mutant Storm Empire, Heavy Weapon (!), Street Trace NYC (?), and a quick tour of Microsoft's parental education bus.

  • Rumor: Mystery XBLA game is Lode Runner

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Our man, Godfree, over at Gamertag Radio sent us another tip about our would be mystery XBLA game. Shake the magic 8 ball with us ... "signs point to Lode Runner." Check out this detective work on "No joke, I'm fairly certain I figured it out. Let's look at the trail of tips. Ross Erickson says that Lode Runner in very good hands, which would dictate hands that want to put it on Xbox Live Arcade (since he wants the game). Luke Smith thinks it might be Bomberman On this GamerScore blog post they dropped a hint that Peter Moore said "what happens in Shinjuku stays in Shinjuku." Later on this GamerTag Radio thread Microsoft's John Porcaro dropped a hint that "what happens in Montana stays in Montana". Ok, so with the current hints down how did I make the connection. Here's my timeline. I originally thought the game must be Bomberman, so I was looking for links between Shinjuku, Montana and Hudson Entertainment the creators of Bomberman. Score! Hudson Soft moved to Shinjuku in 1985 shortly before releasing Bomberman. While on the page I noticed Hudson Software also released Lode Runner for NES, and remembered they are currently doing a DS version. Lode Runner was originally published by Broderbund, who operate out of MONTANA. According to Game Dev Map there are no current game developers operating in Montana. I don't think it can get any clearer than that. Case closed in my opinion, next week's release is Lode Runner!" Nice work. We couldn't agree more. Lode Runner is definitely a major franchise worthy of the hype that we've generated seen in the last week. What do you think? Did these guys nail it, or is it something else? [Thanks, Godfree]

  • Attention: XB Stream fix released

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We heartily recommended the new XB Stream software last week, but apparently it had a serious drawback. Godfree from Gamertag Radio let us know that XB Stream was killing the bandwidth on major podcast sites by downloading the most recent 30 shows. Additionally, this takes up quite a bit of space on your average PC. It looks like PG4 (creator of the software) has fixed the problem in the version 1.1 release. We ask that any of our readers who have downloaded XB stream please uninstall it immediately and get the new version in its place. The new version maintains only the single most recent episode of any podcast on its list. Please note that the release is still listed as version 1.0 on the downloads page.

  • Free Vision Cam from GamerTag Radio

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Godfree from GamerTag radio is giving away Xbox 360 Vision cameras to the three people who promote his podcast in the most effective and creative way over the next week. If you ever thought about getting a GTRADIO tattoo on your forehead, now would be the time.

  • GamerTag Radio goes Gilligan

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    GamerTag Radio's latest podcast has live coverage of MLG Orlando including a random interview with Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island.

  • GamerTag Radio XBLA party

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Miami-based GamerTag Radio threw an Xbox Live Arcade party Friday night to celebrate their nomination in 2006 Podcast People's Choice Awards. Follow the link for a special edition of their show, along with pics and video of the event. While you're at it, stop by and give Godfree and crew a vote for consistently putting together the web's best (and only) Latin-flavored Hip-Hop Xbox podcast.

  • Moore: 360 controls a Wii bit complicated

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Peter Moore, Microsoft cheerleader and spinmeister, recently sat down with Gamertag Radio and discussed today's complicated controls. While he did say that the novelty of the Wii may wear off after half an hour, he also admitted that today's control schemes are too complicated for some -- including his 14-year-old daughter. The big question is: does Microsoft have newer, simpler, friendlier, and gentler controls on the way? According to Peter: "We're doing a lot of stuff there. Nothing that we're ready to talk about, and we're not going to force anything that is not going to be intuitive and innovative." I think Moore is likely talking about 360's upcoming Vision camera, but the idea of an Xbox ThWiimote is intriguing. Anybody have a chance to listen to the whole interview? [Via openXBOX360]