

  • Groupon launches Breadcrumb, officially enters the point-of-sale system market

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    A few months ago, Groupon quietly scooped up a New York-based startup by the name of Breadcrumb, which, back then, was presumably regarded as a sign of POS-related things to come from the deal-sharing company. Today, nearly five months after its snappy acquisition, Groupon's officially relaunching launching Breadcrumb, marking the outfit's formal entrance into the point-of-sale game with its own iPad-based system. Groupon says Breadcrumb will be a great choice for all business owners interested, thanks in large part to its "easy-to-use and affordable" POS iPad system -- one which will start off at $99 per month and will include an all-in-one Breadbox that packs all the necessary tools to get up and running, as well as handy 24/7 support from restaurant and bar geniuses. You can get a better feel for what Breadcrumb's all about in the video below -- and please, please don't forget to clean after yourself.