

  • Confirmed: 3G iPhone works out of the box with PAYG

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Today, I finally got my hands on a 3G iPhone. It's not mine. I'm borrowing it for a contract for a very short time. But it was my first time to truly confirm that the rumors were true: a completely virgin iPhone 3G works out of the box with AT&T Pay As You Go SIMs. After unwrapping all the plastic stuff, I popped the 3G SIM holder (it's a lot smaller and more fragile than the sturdy 1st Gen version) and plopped in a fresh PAYG SIM. The SIM had a 30 day/"Unlimited" data (i.e. up to 5GB) feature plan attached to it, which I put on there a few days ago, and otherwise has about 4 dollars and change of credit. (See my previous TUAW discussion about Prepaid Data Packages and the iPhone.)

  • iPod 2.1: Spankin' fresh and Jailbroken, plus countermeasures news

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    We have pwnage. Before you get too excited, we're talking just iPod touch -- the update that's been around since Tuesday afternoon -- not for iPhone 2.1, released this morning. That having been said, point your browser over to quickpwn.com to grab the latest version of the iPod QuickPwn. Now there is good news, and there is bad news, about jailbreak and iTunes 8. The bad news is that Apple has taken countermeasures against custom ipsw firmware bundles. The good news is that the iPhone devteam folks are working on patches for each of the device types in addition to the touch. Hop over to the devteam blog to keep abreast of the latest news.

  • 3G iPhone Jailbroken: Live Chat with Pytey

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    iframe src="http://www.coveritlive.com/index2.php? option=com_altcaster&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=d851296e85&height=550&width=400" scrolling="no" height="550px" width="400px" frameborder="0">

  • Pwn your iPhone using Windows

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Yes, you can has winpwn -- for beta values of "can has". Pwning an iPhone means preparing it to accept custom iPhone firmware bundles (ipsw files) in iTunes. Winpwn 99.1.8 Beta has been released for public testing (though keep in mind that this particular tool is for use with Windows). If you're wary of beta releases and not an early adopter, you'll probably want to keep waiting. There is no 2.0 support. You may run into LIBUSB errors (apparently fine, meaning you probably just don't have no ibooter). You must have 1.1.4 firmware loaded onto your unit in order to pwn it -- whether for Mac or Windows. The developers strongly request that any new users start with this tutorial. For more help, check out the #winpwn and @winpwn-devel channels on irc.osx86.hu IRC server.