

  • Engadget Distro's first special edition traces the origins of the iPhone 4S

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    We promised you some unexpected surprises, and it's time that we delivered. Distro's very first special edition is ready for download (and yes, it's available on PDF too). This one's all about a device that's never failed to get folks talking. Yup! It's the iPhone special issue. Love it or hate it, Apple's flagship phone has had an undeniable impact on the mobile space. In this issue, we'll dive deep into Cupertino's latest with our iPhone 4S review and shed some light on the phones that came before with The Evolution of the iPhone. So hop on that iPad, or hit the link below, and download Distro's very special new issue. Distro Special Edition PDF Distro on the iTunes App Store Like Distro on Facebook Follow Distro on Twitter