

  • Jolicloud launches Android app, keeps all your favorite services in one place

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    In case those famed Pinterest and Flipboard apps just weren't doing enough tricks for you, Jolicloud's here to save you from your application wretchedness. Essentially, the Jolicloud Android offering will allow you to bring services such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr together into one place (much like its ME beta), with the cloud service saying others are expected to be added at some point in the future. Of course, this means the Jolicloud app will show you content you've pinned, tweeted and liked, as well as giving you multiple searching options -- all without the need to ever leave out of the new application. Even better, Jolicloud won't ask a dime out of you, and it's up for download now via the Google Play link down there. Worth a shot, no?