
  • Haier Korea showing off networked air conditioners

    Cyrus Farivar
    Cyrus Farivar

    We're not exactly sure what gives an air conditioner "artificial intelligence," but our buds at AVING claim to have found one at the Korea Electronics Show, now underway in Seoul. Haier Korea, the Korean branch of the Chinese manufacturing jack-of-all-trades showed off two models, including the KFRd-72LW/O ("standard type") and the KFRd-35GW/O ("wall mounted type"). Both come with an LED display (but what doesn't these days?), an air purifier, an anion generator and dehumidifier. And if that wasn't enough, how about the fact that both air conditioners can be controlled via cell phone or PDA? Yeah, we know you want one -- sadly, we don't know when these will be released, nor how many South Korean won you'll have to dish out to get 'em. Keep reading if you're interested in a close-up of the display, or if you just like watching seals slide down snowy hills on their tummies...