

  • Instant karma's gonna get you

    Elizabeth Wachowski
    Elizabeth Wachowski

    Today's story comes from the realm of Smolderthorn, home of one of the U.S.'s top Horde guilds, Nightmares Asylum (obligatory note: Blizzard apparently doesn't let you use apostrophes in guild names.) Our tale begins in Karazhan this weekend, where the guild Clockwise was just learning the instance. They didn't have enough people for a full group, so they invited in some puggers to help them down some bosses. Unfortunately, they weren't able to kill too many bosses, so they left half of the instance for the next day. One of their puggers, who was a member of the medium-level guild Dies Irae, invited in some of his guildmates' alts to clear the rest. Dies Irae claimed they didn't know it was another guild's instance at first, but only decided to kill Prince after Clockwise's guild leader got angry at them and told them to get the bleep out. Whatever the cause, no one disputes that it ended with Dies Irae's alts clearing Karazhan on Clockwise's raid ID.