

  • Talking to Siri: The kid is not my son

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    She's just a girl who claims that I am the one. Steven Sande and Erica Sadun have been working on the third edition of Talking to Siri, the book that covers all the ins and outs of everyone's favorite digital assistant.

  • Talking to Siri: According to Asimov

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    First introduced in the 1942 short story, Runaround. Steven Sande and Erica Sadun have been working on the third edition of Talking to Siri, the book that covers all the ins and outs of everyone's favorite digital assistant.

  • Talking to Siri: the flying circus

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    The last person who asked Siri that ended up in a crevasse. Steven Sande and Erica Sadun have been working on the third edition of Talking to Siri, the book that covers all the ins and outs of everyone's favorite digital assistant.

  • Talking to Siri: Is that you, Mary?

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Just a spoonful of sugar will help your Siri interaction go down. Steven Sande and Erica Sadun have been working on the third edition of Talking to Siri, the book that covers all the ins and outs of everyone's favorite digital assistant.

  • Talking to Siri: TSFW (Totally Safe For Work)

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Sometimes you ask Siri the worst things and it responds with unexpectedly sweet results. For example, ask it to "Talk dirty to me." Go on, we'll wait. Isn't that adorable? However, our very favorite safe-for-work result comes from the distinctly unsafe-for-work request to "Show me pictures of booby's," which I've screenshotted on your behalf and attached to this post. What are the most unexpectedly nice Siri back-and-forths you've found? Share some in the comments. Steven Sande and Erica Sadun have been working on the third edition of Talking to Siri, the book that covers all the ins and outs of everyone's favorite digital assistant.

  • Talking to Siri: Remote-controlling your Mac by voice with Siri Listener

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    In this episode of "Stupid Siri Tricks," I make my iOS devices control a remote Mac. How remote? Well, it should work anywhere on the planet (or off, if you happen to be on the International Space Station) with Wi-Fi or a cellular data connection. If you can take a note with Siri, you can make your Mac do your bidding from wherever you may be. I was inspired to do this after watching a video by Niles Mitchell in which he uses a 512K Mac with the original Mac Speak application to issue a command to Siri, which then set a chain of events into motion resulting in some files being moved from that ancient Mac to Dropbox. It occurred to me that he was using the Notes application and iCloud to accomplish all of this. Essentially, you tell Siri to "Write a note", after which you dictate a note and it is synced to all of your devices through iCloud. The lightbulb went on, so I wrote a quick little application in AppleScript to wait for certain notes to appear and then perform actions on the Mac. One of the more useful things I could think of was the ability to shut down my Mac or at least put it to sleep if I forgot to do so before going on a trip, so I set up my application to look for "Shut down" or "Go to sleep" notes to perform either of those actions. Perhaps I want to do a remote restart? All I have to do is tell Siri "Restart my mac" and it happens. I also built in the ability to see what apps are currently running on my Mac and return them to my iPhone or iPad in another note. The possibilities are endless... To use this little "Siri Listener" app, just copy the code below and paste it into a blank AppleScript Editor page. Save the code in case you want to add your own customizations at some point, and then Export as an Application, making sure that you check the boxes for "Stay open after run handler" and "Run-only". To make sure your Siri Listener is always available for your commands, make sure you set it to run at startup. Make sure that you know how to use Siri to take notes. Just press the home button on your favorite iOS device, wait for the Siri prompt, and then say "Write a note". Siri responds with some sort of question about what you want the note to say, after which you can speak the appropriate command. Note that I wasn't thinking clearly when I wrote my initial script -- I actually have to say "What apps are running question mark" to get the note in the proper format for Siri Listener to act upon. I'm probably going to change it to something more generic like "List my mac apps" to avoid the punctuation. I was really wishing that the Photo Booth app was scriptable, as it would be possible to have the Mac's camera take a picture and then attach it to a Note for you to view. I can also see that the Siri Listener idea could be the perfect tool for playing pranks on unsuspecting co-workers, but of course you wouldn't do that... Have fun! And if you come up with some fun and/or productive uses for the Siri Listener, let me know in the comments. Want more Siri tips? There's a book for that.

  • Talking to Siri: Creating reminders without times

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    This morning, beloved leader Victor wondered how he could create reminders using Siri without having those reminders tied to a specific time. He loves Siri's easy voice integration but didn't want to schedule these items. He just wanted to add them to his to-do list. Possible? You bet. The secret lies in the way you phrase your request. If you ask Siri to "remind" you, it adds a scheduled item. Saying "remind" is always tied to time, because Siri has to actually nag you directly. [Much like asking a spouse to "remind me to pick up the dry cleaning" who then immediately responds "OK; don't forget to pick up the dry cleaning!", a reminder without a future target time is not that useful. –Ed.] Instead, say "remember." Try saying "Remember to pick up the milk" rather than "Remind me to pick up the milk." Siri adds that item to the Reminders app without a time trigger. As our commenters point out, there are other approaches as well. When Siri asks about the time for a reminder, say "no time," "don't remind me" or "never." You can also say "Add 'Pick up the milk' to my [name of to-do list]," and that will trigger a time-free task. As Victor noted, "Arggh! I was saying it wrong, all this time." Want more Siri tips? There's a book for that.

  • Why Siri makes sense for OS X

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Recently, Google added voice-enhanced search to its iOS search app. At that time, a lot of people started comparing Siri search results with Google, missing a major point about what Siri is and what it does. There's a reason Apple calls Siri a "virtual assistant." It helps you add reminders, create appointments and book tables as well as search for movie reviews and look up sports scores. The people who know and love Siri on iOS use it as a digital concierge. "Wake me at 7:15 tomorrow" and "Remind me to buy milk when I get to Albertsons" are features that go way beyond simple searches. To be fair, Google offers similar capabilities on Android but these are not available in the iOS search app, and were not really part of the discussions when that app launched. Concierge features create ways to interact with your computer that bypass keyboard and mouse. They integrate with the underlying OS to activate user-requested functionality. A concierge transforms your intent into system actions, not just producing strings of text (as with dictation) or web information (as with search). In OS X Mountain Lion, dictation arrived on the desktop along with reminders, iCloud-powered notes and other iOS-inspired features. What didn't arrive was Siri itself. Although all the trappings were there, the connection between voice and action didn't make the cut. It takes a reasonably major engineering effort to connect a voice-based assistant to OS features. Why doesn't Mountain Lion doesn't currently support Siri? Apple might have run out of time, felt it wasn't a priority, wanted to test it first among a committed user base before moving it to new platforms, wasn't convinced desktop users should be speaking to their computers, or had a million other reasons why. Siri has had a pretty bad rap as a "failed feature" among pundits. To see examples, do a Google search for "Siri and disappointment". You wouldn't know that, though, from Apple's recent advertising campaigns, which put it out front and center as a shiny selling point for iPhones. As a committed user of the service, I personally love it. I regularly use Siri while cooking ("Start a timer for 5 minutes"), for managing my kids ("Add yellow pencils to my school supply list"), for texting ("Message Steve I need those chapter review files 10 minutes ago"), and more. I'd like to see its capabilities expand even further. For me, Siri is fast and efficient. I get stuff done quickly with my voice without having to step through a lot of intermediate effort. That's a big reason I'd like to see it jump to OS X. Already, I use dictation a lot more than I ever expected to -- and I'm a really fast typist, so it's not just about overcoming mechanical issues. Adding voice has helped me multitask a lot better. I can keep doing whatever I'm in the middle of, switch over to IRC for example, and dictate a response to an ongoing chat conversation and hop back. Adding Siri would make that even better. I'd be able to shoot off messages, look up phone numbers and more, all from a central interface that doesn't require any significant task switching. How can that not be a win for users? Many of the ways you use Siri on the iPhone and iOS device family transfer directly to the Mac. "Siri, Google a recipe for lamb and garlic." "Siri, where can I get my bicycle fixed?" "Siri, is Prometheus any good?" Just because you're on a desktop doesn't mean Siri cannot help. Will Siri show up in OS X 10.9? I'd certainly like it to and I don't see many technological issues standing in the way. Should it be in the next iteration of OS X? Absolutely.

  • iOS 6: Talking to Siri - International Edition II

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Last year, Steve Sande and I put together a "What can you say to Siri" post while working on "Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apple's Intelligent Assistant". This year, we followed up that post with an iOS 6 version of "What can you say to Siri" and then an International version covering German, Japanese and French. A number of readers asked if we'd expand to other languages once we could put them together. So finally, for those patiently waiting, here are Spanish, Italian, Korean and Chinese round-ups. Spanish (US) PREGUNTAR ACERCA DE LOS CONTACTOS ¿Cuál es el teléfono de Ana? ¿Cuál es la dirección del trabajo de Lidia? ¿Cuál es el número de teléfono de David Pérez? ¿Cuándo es el cumpleaños de mi suegra? Ver la dirección de correo electrónico de casa de Beatriz ¿Cuál es la dirección del trabajo de mi hermano? BUSCAR CONTACTOS Muéstrame a Paloma Gutiérrez Busca contactos llamados Pérez ¿Quién es Vicente Alcalá? RELACIONES Mi madre es Beatriz Lara Jesús Esteban es mi hermano Llama a mi hermano a casa APPLAUNCHING Abre Fotos Jugar Infinity Blade II Abrir Facebook AÑADIR EVENTOS Crea una reunión para las 9 Programar una reunión con Pablo a las 10 Reunión con Victor Agreda a las 12 del mediodía Crea una reunión sobre el presupuesto para mañana a las 3 de la tarde Cita con Elsa el viernes a las 8 Programa una reunión de planificación para hoy a las 11 en la sala de reuniones MODIFICAR EVENTOS Cambiar mi cita con Martín Cambia la reunión de las 3 a las 4 y media Añade a Elsa a la reunión con Luis Quiero cancelar la reunión sobre los proveedores PREGUNTAR ACERCA DE LOS EVENTOS ¿Cómo tengo el resto del día? ¿Qué tengo en el calendario el viernes? ¿Cuándo tengo el siguiente evento? ¿A qué hora es la reunión con Ana? ¿Dónde es mi próxima reunión? ALARMA Despiértame mañana a las 7 Crea una alarma para las 6 y media de la mañana Despiértame dentro de 8 horas Cambiar mi alarma de las 6:30 a las 6:45 Desactivar mi alarma de las 6:30 Elimina mi alarma de las 7 y media RELOJ ¿Qué hora es en Berlín? ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Qué día es este sábado? TEMPORIZADOR Ajusta el temporizador a 10 minutos Muestra el temporizador Pausa el temporizador Reanudar Detener el temporizador ENVIAR MENSAJES DE CORREO Envía un mensaje de correo sobre el viaje Mensaje de correo electrónico a Pablo Enviar un mensaje de correo a David Pérez Escríbele un mensaje de correo a mi padre sobre el alquiler Mensaje de correo al doctor Gutiérrez con el asunto factura recibida, gracias COMPROBAR EL CORREO Comprobar si tengo correo nuevo ¿Tengo algún mensaje de correo de Ana del lunes? Muéstrame los mensajes de correo nuevos sobre el contrato Ver los mensajes de correo de Lidia de ayer RESPONDER A UN MENSAJE DE CORREO Responder gracias por la recomendación Contestar FACEBOOK Publica en Facebook voy a ver la nueva película de Pixar Escribir en mi muro hemos ido de excursión a la montaña Escribe en el muro de Facebook acabo de aterrizar en Madrid FINDMYFRIENDS ¿Dónde está Mike Rose? ¿Dónde está mi hermana? ¿Está mi hija en casa? ¿Dónde están todos mis amigos? ¿Quién está por aquí? ¿Hay alguien cerca? Avísame cuando mi hijo llegue a casa NAVEGACIÓN Indícame cómo llegar a casa Indicaciones para llegar a San Francisco Muéstrame el camino para ir a la oficina de papá Muéstrame la ruta para ir de Orlando a Tampa ¿Cuál es la siguiente maniobra? ¿Cuánto falta para llegar? Busca una gasolinera MAPAS Muéstrame Central Park Ver en el mapa dónde está la Torre Eiffel en París NEGOCIOS LOCALES Quiero comer tacos Busca la mejor peluquería ¿Dónde está la tienda Apple Store más cercana? ENVIAR MENSAJES Dile a Enrique que llego pronto Envíale un mensaje de texto a Michael Jones Envíale un mensaje a Lidia que diga que quedamos a las 8 Dile a Carlos que el concierto ha sido genial Mándale un mensaje al celular a Vicente diciendo que llegaré tarde Manda un mensaje al número 215 917 572 Envía un mensaje a Pablo y Ana que diga dónde están LEER MENSAJES Lee los mensajes nuevos Vuelve a leerlo RESPONDER A UN MENSAJE Contestar Responde me alegro mucho BUSCAR INFORMACIÓN SOBRE PELÍCULAS ¿Quién dirigió Cars? Busca películas de Disney ¿Quién sale en "Duelo de Titanes"? ¿Cuál es la clasificación de Toy Story 3? HORARIOS DE PELÍCULAS Quiero ver la nueva película de Pixar ¿Qué hay en el cine mañana? BUSCAR CINES Busca cines cerca de la oficina RESEÑAS DE PELÍCULAS Ver reseñas de Toy Story 3 PREMIOS CINEMATOGRÁFICOS ¿Quién ganó el premio al mejor actor en 1999? ¿Qué premios ha ganado Brave? MUSIC Quiero escuchar música Reproduce Walk de los Foo Fighters Quiero escuchar Little Broken Hearts mezclado Pon algo de blues Reproducir mi lista de música para fiestas Escuchar la lista para correr mezclada Reproduce música Pausa Siguiente canción NOTES Anota que me he gastado 12 dólares en el supermercado Escribe una nota que ponga la alberca abre a las 8 Busca notas sobre la reunión Mostrar las notas del 25 de junio PHONE Llama a Pablo Llamar al celular de Ana Llama a Paloma al trabajo Llamar al 215 917 572 Llama a casa FaceTime con Enrique FaceTime con Martín Llamar por FaceTime a Lidia REMINDERS Recuérdame llamar a mamá Añade zanahorias a la lista de la compra Recuérdame que tengo que agarrar el paraguas Recuérdame que me tengo que tomar la pastilla mañana a las 6 de la mañana Recordarme que el informe tiene que estar listo a las 6 Recordarme llamar a mamá cuando llegue a casa Recuérdame llamar a Paco cuando salga de aquí Recordarme llamar por FaceTime a mamá cuando llegue a casa Recuérdame llamar por FaceTime a Paco cuando salga de aquí Recordarme que compre flores al salir de aquí RESTAURANTS Restaurantes chinos por aquí Busca una buena pizzería en Chicago RESERVACIONES Mesa para 4 en Miami Haz una reservación en un restaurante italiano romántico para hoy a las 7 RESEÑAS DE RESTAURANTES Ver reseñas del restaurante The French Laundry en Yountville RESULTADOS ¿Ganaron los Tigers? ¿Cuál fue el resultado del último partido entre los Tigers y los Red Sox? Muéstrame los resultados de los partidos de fútbol de ayer CALENDARIO DE PARTIDOS ¿Cuándo juegan los Giants? ¿Cuándo es el primer partido de la temporada para los Dodgers? ¿Qué partidos de baloncesto se juegan hoy? INFORMACIÓN ACERCA DE LOS JUGADORES ¿Quién ha obtenido el mejor promedio de bateo en béisbol? ¿Quién ha metido más goles en el fútbol español? INFORMACIÓN ACERCA DE LOS EQUIPOS Ver la plantilla de los Tigers ¿Quién es el lanzador de los Giants esta temporada? STOCKS ¿Cómo va la bolsa? ¿Cuál es el precio de las acciones de Apple? ¿Cuál es la capitalización bursátil de Apple? ¿Cuál fue el precio de cierre de Yahoo hoy? TWITTER Publica en Twitter gran partido de los Dodgers Publicar en Twitter hace muy buen tiempo en Acapulco Twittear me voy de vacaciones con Pablo Fernández y añadir mi ubicación Publica en Twitter multitudinario concierto al aire libre en hashtag Boston WEATHER ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? ¿Cómo estará el tiempo mañana? ¿Lloverá en París esta semana? Ver la previsión del tiempo para Austin, Texas ¿Qué tiempo hace en San Diego ahora mismo? ¿Cuál será la temperatura máxima en Detroit este fin de semana? ¿Hará mucho calor en Portland, Oregon, el jueves? ¿Qué temperatura hay? ¿Hace mucho viento? ¿A qué hora saldrá el sol en Londres? WEBSEARCH Busca osos polares en Internet Buscar recetas para hacer guacamole en Internet Busca casas en venta en la red Buscar información sobre la Antártida en Google Buscar Abraham Lincoln en la Wikipedia Busca Foo Fighters en Bing Italian CHIEDERE INFORMAZIONI SUI CONTATTI Qual è l'indirizzo di Simonetta? Qual è il numero di telefono di Davide Caolo? Quand'è il compleanno di mia moglie? Mostrami l'indirizzo e-mail personale di Megan Qual è l'indirizzo del'ufficio di mio fratello? TROVARE CONTATTI Mostra Fabrizio Ciani Trova Francesca tra i miei contatti Chi è Giovanni Ferraris RELAZIONI Mia mamma è Carla Molari Giovanni Ferraris è mio fratello Chiama mio fratello in ufficio Inizia una chiamata FaceTime con Fabrizio Invia una chiamata FaceTime a Carla Molari APPLAUNCHING Scatta una foto Fammi giocare a Infinity Blade II Apri Facebook CREARE EVENTI Fissa una riunione per le 9:00 Fissa una riunione con Giovanni per le 9:00 Appuntamento con Simonetta a mezzogiorno Fissa la riunione per l'approvazione del bilancio domani alle 9:00 Nuovo appuntamento con Carla Molari venerdì alle 15:00 Programma una riunione per oggi alle 8:30 in sala riunioni MODIFICARE EVENTI Sposta la riunione delle 15:00 alle 16:30 Sposta l'appuntamento con Simonetta a lunedì prossimo alle 9:00 Invita Simonetta alla riunione con Fabrizio Annulla la riunione sulla revisione del preventivo CHIEDERE INFORMAZIONI SUGLI EVENTI Cosa c'è in programma per il resto della giornata? Cosa c'è sul calendario per venerdì? Quand'è il prossimo appuntamento? Quand'è la riunione con Giovanni? Dove si tiene la prossima riunione? SVEGLIA Domani svegliami alle 7:00 Imposta la sveglia per le 6:30 Svegliami tra 8 ore Sposta la sveglia delle 6:30 alle 6:45 Disattiva la sveglia delle 6:30 Elimina la sveglia delle 7:30 CLOCK Che ore sono a Parigi? Che giorno è oggi? Quanti ne abbiamo questo sabato? TIMER Imposta il timer a dieci minuti Mostra il timer Metti in pausa il timer Reimposta il timer Fermalo INVIARE UN'E-MAIL Invia un'e-mail riguardo viaggio a Kelly Guimont Manda un'e-mail sul cambiamento di programma a Francesca Nuova e-mail a Carla Molari Invia un'e-mail a papà riguardo all'affitto Invia un'e-mail al Sig. Bartolini dicendo: Ho ricevuto i moduli, grazie Invia un'e-mail a Simonetta e Fabrizio dicendo che è stata una festa molto divertente CONTROLLARE LE E-MAIL Controlla le e-mail Ci sono nuove e-mail di Giovanni oggi? Mostra le nuove mail sull'affitto Mostra l'e-mail di Simonetta di ieri RISPONDERE A UN'E-MAIL Rispondi: Cara Carla, scusa per il ritardo nel pagamento Chiamalo al lavoro Invia una chiamata FaceTime a Giovanni al suo lavoro FACEBOOK Pubblica su Facebook che ho visto il nuovo film Pixar Scrivi sulla mia bacheca che ho fatto un'escursione bellissima al Parco Nazionale del Gargano Scrivi sulla mia bacheca che sono appena atterrato a Genova FINDMYFRIENDS Dov'è Fabrizio? Dov'è mia sorella? Mia figlia è in casa? Dove sono tutti i miei amici? Chi è lì? Chi è nelle vicinanze? Fammi sapere quando mio figlio arriva a casa Informa mio marito quando vado via dal lavoro NAVIGAZIONE Dammi indicazioni per arrivare a casa Dammi indicazioni per arrivare in Piazza Navona Indicazioni per l'ufficio di mio padre Qual è la prossima svolta? Quando arriviamo? Trova un distributore di benzina MAPS Mostrami il Colosseo Mostrami una mappa di Via Aurelia 10 a Roma Dov'è la Mole Antonelliana ATTIVITÀ COMMERCIALI LOCALI Trova un bar qui vicino Trova il miglior parrucchiere di Torino Dove si trova l'Apple Store più vicino? INVIARE MESSAGGI Scrivi a Carla che sto arrivando Invia un messaggio a Fabrizio Ciani Avvisa Simonetta che arriverò 10 minuti in ritardo Dì a Francesca che lo spettacolo è stato fantastico Invia un messaggio a Carla sul cellulare per dirle che sto arrivando Invia un messaggio allo 011 555 12 12 Scrivi a Fabrizio e Simonetta che la cena è spostata alle 9 LEGGERE I MESSAGGI Leggi i nuovi messaggi Rileggilo RISPONDERE AI MESSAGGI Rispondi che è una bella notizia Digli che arriverò tra 10 minuti Chiamala Inizia una chiamata FaceTime con lei CERCARE INFORMAZIONI SUI FILM Chi sono gli attori nel film "Il sapore della vittoria"? Chi è il regista de "Il Re Leone"? Di cosa parla Toy Story 3? TROVARE CINEMA Trova un cinema vicino a casa MUSIC Riproduci Walk dei Foo Fighters Riproduci Little Broken Hearts in ordine casuale Riproduci Norah Jones Fammi sentire della musica classica Riproduci la playlist festa Riproduci in ordine casuale la mia playlist di viaggio Riproduci Metti in pausa Prossima canzone NOTES Annota che sono contento Nota a me stesso: sentire il nuovo album di Norah Jones Trova le note sulla riunione Mostrami le note del 25 giugno PHONE Chiama Fabrizio Chiama Simonetta sul cellulare Chiama Carla in ufficio Chiama il numero 011 555 12 12 Chiama a casa Chiama con FaceTime Simonetta Inizia una chiamata FaceTime con Fabrizio Invia una chiamata FaceTime a Carla Molari REMINDERS Aggiungi i carciofi alla lista della spesa Aggiungi il paracadutismo alla lista di cose da fare prima di morire Ricordami di chiamare mamma Ricordami di prendere l'ombrello Ricordami di prendere la pillola domani alle 6:00 Ricordami di finire la relazione entro le 18:00 Ricordami di chiamare mamma quando arrivo a casa Ricordami di chiamare Fabrizio quando vado via da qui Ricordami di chiamare mamma quando arrivo a casa Ricordami di chiamare Fabrizio quando vado via da qui Ricordami di chiamare Fabrizio quando vado via da qui CERCARE RISTORANTI Trova un locale dove mangiare una buona pizza a Torino Un buon ristorante messicano qui vicino PUNTEGGI Cosa hanno fatto i Giants ieri sera? Qual è stato il punteggio dell'ultima partita tra i Giants e i Dodgers? Mostrami la classifica del campionato di Serie A CALENDARI PARTITE Quando giocano i Giants? Quand'è il primo incontro della stagione dei Dodgers? Quali partite di basket ci sono stasera? INFORMAZIONI SUI GIOCATORI Chi è il più giovane della Serie A? Chi guadagna di più nel campionato di Serie A? Chi è il capocannoniere della scorsa stagione? INFORMAZIONI SULLE SQUADRE Chi gioca nei Giants? Chi si è infortunato nei Dodgers? STOCKS Qual è la capitalizzazione di mercato di Apple? Qual è il rapporto prezzo-utili di Apple? Come ha chiuso Yahoo oggi? Qual è la situazione del Nikkei? Come va la borsa oggi? Qual è il valore del Dow Jones? TWITTER Scrivi che sono felice su Twitter Pubblica su Twitter che a Roma c'è una giornata bellissima Scrivi su Twitter con la mia posizione che sto passando una vacanza straordinaria con Carla Molari Invia un tweet dicendo che adoro il concerto di Norah Jones hashtag Little Broken Hearts WEATHER Che tempo fa oggi? Che tempo farà domani? Pioverà a Livorno questa settimana? Controlla le previsioni a Milano per la prossima settimana Quali sono le previsioni per stasera? Che tempo fa a Pitigliano adesso? Qual è la massima a Venezia per questo fine settimana? Quali saranno le massime ad Ancona per giovedì Qual è la temperatura esterna? C'è tanto vento fuori? A che ora sorge il sole a Parigi? WEBSEARCH Cerca "orsi polari" su Internet Cerca ricette di pasta vegetariane Cerca su Internet i migliori piani tariffari per la TV via cavo Cerca la guerra del 1812 su Google Cerca Abramo Lincoln su Wikipedia Cerca Foo Fighters su Bing Korean 연락처에 대해 물어보기 은영이의 주소를 알려줘 공 수진의 전화번호를 보여줘 우리 집사람의 생일은 언제지? 민지의 집 이메일 주소를 보여줘 우리 오빠의 직장 주소가 뭐지? 연락처에 대해 물어보기 박 용빈을 보여줘 이름이 진영이인 연락처를 찾아줘 맹 상국이 누구인지 알려줘 관계 정보 우리 엄마는 공 수진이야 맹 상국이 우리 오빠야 오빠 직장으로 전화를 걸어줘 오빠 직장으로 FaceTime 걸어줘 APPLAUNCHING 사진 열어줘 Facebook App을 열어줘 이벤트 추가하기 9시에 회의를 잡아 지우와 9시 미팅을 잡아줘 정오에 은영이와 약속 잡아줘 내일 9시에 채용 계획에 대한 회의 일정을 추가해 금요일 3시에 공 수진과 새 약속을 잡아줘 오늘 8시 30분에 이사진 회의실에서 사업 계획 회의를 만들어줘 이벤트 변경하기 3시 회의 일정을 4:30으로 변경해 김박사와의 약속을 다음 주 오전 9시로 변경해줘 용빈이와의 약속 일정에 은영이도 추가해 예산 감사 회의를 취소해 이벤트에 대해 물어보기 오늘 남은 일정을 알려줘 금요일 일정 보여줘 내 다음 약속은 언제니? 지우와의 약속 시간을 확인해줘 오늘 회의 장소가 어디지? 알람 내일 아침 7시에 깨워줘 오전 6:30에 알람을 맞춰봐 8시간 후에 나를 깨워 6:30 알람을 6:45으로 변경해 6:30 알람을 꺼 7:30 알람을 삭제해 시계 쿠퍼티노는 지금 몇 시야? 오늘 날짜가 뭐지? 이번 주 토요일이 며칠이지? 타이머 타이머를 15분으로 맞춰 타이머 보여줘 타이머를 일시정지해 타이머 재개해 타이머를 중단해줘 이메일 보내기 은영이에게 여행에 대한 이메일을 보내 약속 장소에 대한 이메일을 민지에게 보내줘 공 수진에게 새 이메일을 보내 아빠에게 가족 사진에 대한 메일을 보내 김박사에게 관련 서류 잘 받았어요라는 이메일을 보내줘 은영이랑 용빈이에게 집들이라는 제목으로 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈어라고 이메일 보내 이메일 확인하기 이메일 확인 오늘 지우가 보낸 새 이메일 찾아줘 집세에 대한 새 이메일을 보여줘 어제 은영이가 보낸 이메일을 보여줘 이메일에 답장하기 회비 늦게 보내서 미안해라고 답장해줘 사무실로 전화해 직장 번호로 FaceTime 걸어봐 FACEBOOK 영화를 보러 나는 간다라고 Facebook에 게시해 경복궁에서의 산뜻한 아침 산책이라고 내 담벼락에 써줘 방금 제주도에 도착함이라고 내 담벼락에 작성해 지도 쿠퍼티노가 어디야? 샌프란시스코에 있는 공원을 보여줘 메시지 보내기 수진이에게 곧 도착할꺼야라고 문자 보내 박 용빈에게 메시지를 보내봐 은영이에게 내일은 어때라고 메시지를 보내줘 정말 재미있었어라고 민지에게 문자해줘 수진이 핸드폰으로 나 좀 늦을 것 같애라는 메시지 보내 02-123-4567번으로 메시지 작성해줘 어디야라는 문자 메시지를 지우와 수연이에게 보내 메시지 알림 읽기 나의 새로운 메시지를 읽어줘 다시 읽어봐 메시지에 답장하기 잘 됐네라고 답장해 금방 도착할 예정이야라고 답장해줘 답장해 공 수진에게 FaceTime 전화를 걸어줘 MUSIC Walk 재생해줘 Little Broken Hearts를 임의로 재생해 블루스 장르를 틀어봐 파티 믹스를 재생해봐 출퇴근용 재생목록을 임의 재생해줘 음악 재생해 일시정지해 다음 트랙으로 넘어가 NOTES 점심 때 만원 사용함이라고 메모해줘 메모에서 회의록을 찾아줘 나의 6월 25일 메모를 보여줘 PHONE 용빈이에게 전화걸어봐 은영이 핸드폰으로 전화를 걸어줘 수진이 회사 번호로 전화해 02-123-4567번으로 전화걸어 집에 전화해 은영이에게 FaceTime 걸어줘 지우와 FaceTime을 하고 싶어 공 수진에게 FaceTime 전화를 걸어줘 REMINDERS 장보기 목록이라는 메모에 토마토를 추가해줘 해야 할 일이라는 메모에 스카이다이빙을 추가해 우산 챙기기라고 미리 알려줘 내일 아침 6시에 약 챙겨먹기라고 미리 알려줘 보고서 마감이라고 6시에 미리 알려줘 집에 도착했을 때 엄마랑 통화하라고 알려줘 경기 점수 Giants 경기 결과를 보여줘 지난 밤 Kansas City 경기 결과는 어떻니? 어제 축구 경기 결과를 보여줘 경기 일정 Giants의 다음 경기는 언제 있니? 오늘 야구 경기 일정을 보여줘 선수 정보 장타율이 가장 높은 선수는 누구니? 팀 정보 Giants 선수 명단을 보여줘 이번 시즌 Detroit 팀 선발 투수는 누구야? 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  • iOS 6: Talking to Siri about Religion

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    I had no intention of broaching philosophy with Siri, as earlier today I was trying to get it to recognize "Hail State!", which BulldogsRadio tweeted would connect to University of Georgia Radio. That didn't sound right to me, but I thought a built-in easter egg might lead to sports rankings. It did not. Instead, I found myself drawn into a theology discussion with my iPhone. Apparently, Apple engineers have found that people ask their cell phones a lot of intriguing questions, and provided tactful responses. Screenshots of my conversation follow below. I hope you get a chuckle. %Gallery-166346% Not sure what else you can say to Siri? There's a post to help with that!

  • iOS 6: Talking to Siri and having fun

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Psst. In case you didn't notice? In iOS 6, Siri is a hoot. Apple has programmed in even more silly, sassy, delightful responses and it's up to all of us to find the Easter Eggs. Asking Siri about itself is one of the more common ways to get a chuckle -- inquire about how old it is, what it's wearing, its birthday, its gender, its favorite color, and whether it has a family. Try pitching it some of the older standard comic routines like, "Who's on first?" Ask it how it feels about you. Most of all, be persistent. Over time, Apple's programmers have added lots of alternate messages for commonly-asked questions and statements. Take "Open the pod bay doors," for example. Siri has quite the repertoire of answers to the classic command from Clarke & Kubrick's 2001. Or how about asking what the meaning of life is, or saying "Klaatu barada nikto." Siri's versatility ensures that for many of these silly questions and statements, you'll be rewarded by random and multiple responses. Siri support is expanded in iOS 6 from only the iPhone 4S to the iPad (current version), plus the new iPhone 5 and the 5th-gen iPod touch. What hilarious answers from Siri have you discovered? Jump into the comments and share! Not sure what else you can say to Siri? There's a post to help with that!

  • iOS 6: Talking to Siri and saying "hi"

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    For many TUAW readers, this weekend represents a first encounter with Siri, Apple's virtual personal assistant. Siri is waiting to help you create reminders, send texts, look up information and lots more. Siri replaces the dance of your fingers on glass with conversations. You talk to your device -- and your device talks right back at you. After setting up your preferences, it's time to give Siri a spin. You can access Siri in several ways: Press and hold the Home button for a couple of seconds. Raise your iPhone to your ear. (Not available on iPod touch or iPad -- they don't have proximity sensors) Engage it from your wired (iPhone earbud-style) or wireless (Bluetooth) headset by squeezing or pressing the control button. Siri also works with many car kits. A small blue speaker icon appears in Siri's display when you connect through Bluetooth. Chimes tell you when Siri is listening to you. A higher-pitched "listening" chime (a C♯4 for the musically inclined) lets you know Siri's ready for you to speak. As you speak, the microphone icon acts as a level meter. The rise and fall of the purple bar reflects your speech pattern. To finish talking, you can either pause or tap the microphone button. Siri plays a high-pitched "done listening" chime (a higher A♭4). A purple circle animates around the microphone button as Siri contacts Apple's home servers for speech interpretation. If Siri does not hear any input, it stops listening and plays a lower-pitched "cancellation" chime (an lower A♭3). You can also cancel the interaction by tapping the microphone button during the "contact Apple" phase with the circling purple pulse. Try saying "Hello" to Siri. Ask about the weather. "Will it be cold tonight?" "Should I take an umbrella?" Find out how your favorite teams are doing. "Will the Braves make it to the championships?" or "How is Manchester United doing?" Or just let Siri find you a place to eat dinner. "I'm hungry." Then it's time to have fun. A lot of warmth, humor and whimsy went into Siri's database. Ask Siri if he/she is real. Ask it to open the pod bay doors. Say "OMG" or "LOL". Ask Siri when its birthday is. Tell it, "Take me to your leader." Siri isn't great at telling jokes or singing you a song, but you can try asking. Not sure what else you can say to Siri? There's a post to help with that! Erica Sadun and Steven Sande are the authors of Talking to Siri, a handy guide for Siri users.

  • What can you say to Siri in iOS 6: the international edition

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Last year, Steve Sande and I put together a "What can you say to Siri" post that proved to be hugely popular. We'd been working on "Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apple's Intelligent Assistant", which we initially self-pubbed as an e-book, and then later moved to QUE publishing. This year, we followed up that post with an iOS 6 version of "What can you say to Siri", which we published on Friday. A number of people pinged me asking if I wouldn't mind offering some internationalized versions of the list. In that spirit, here are lists for German, Japanese, and French. German NACH KONTAKTEN FRAGEN Was ist Christians Adresse? Was ist die Telefonnummer von Diana Pelzl? Wann ist der Geburtstag meiner Frau? Zeige die private E-Mail-Adresse von Susanne Wie ist die Geschäftsadresse von meinem Bruder? KONTAKTE SUCHEN Zeige Tobias Appel Suche Personen mit dem Namen Pelzl Wo ist Christian Wilde? BEZIEHUNGEN Meine Mutter ist Diana Pelzl Christian Wilde ist mein Bruder Rufe meinen Bruder im Geschäft an VERANSTALTUNGEN HINZUFÜGEN Termin um 9 einrichten Erstelle eine Besprechung mit Christian um 9 Uhr Neues Treffen mit Georg am Donnerstag um 12 Uhr Plane eine Besprechung wegen Urlaub morgen früh um 9 Uhr Neuer Termin mit Diana Pelzl Freitag um 15 Uhr Erstelle eine Planbesprechung heute um 8:30 Uhr im Tagungsraum VERANSTALTUNGEN ÄNDERN Verschiebe meine Besprechung von 15 Uhr auf 16:30 Uhr Verschiebe meinen Termin mit Herrn Wilde auf nächsten Montag um 9 Uhr morgens Füge Georg zu meinem Termin heute um 9 Uhr hinzu Sage meinen Termin zum Thema Urlaub ab NACH VERANSTALTUNGEN FRAGEN Wie beschäftigt bin ich den Rest des Tages? Was steht am Freitag in meinem Kalender? Wann ist mein nächster Termin? Wann ist die Besprechung mit Christian? Wo ist meine nächste Besprechung? WECKER Wecke mich um 7 Uhr Stelle einen Wecker für 6:30 Uhr morgens Wecke mich in einer halben Stunde Ändere meinen Wecker von 6:30 Uhr auf 6:45 Uhr Schalte meinen Wecker für 6:30 Uhr aus Lösche meinen Wecker für 7:30 WELTZEITUHR Wie spät ist es? Wie viel Uhr ist es in Berlin? Welches Datum ist heute? Welches Datum ist diesen Samstag? TIMER Stelle den Timer auf 10 Minuten Zeige den Timer Halte den Timer an Stelle den Timer wieder an Setze den Timer zurück Stopp E-MAIL SENDEN Emaile Georg wegen Reise Sende eine E-Mail an Susanne wegen Planänderung Neue E-Mail an Diana Pelzl Schicke eine E-Mail an Vater wegen der Überweisung Sende eine E-Mail an Herrn Wilde mit dem Inhalt danke ich habe die Formulare erhalten Eine E-Mail an Georg und Tobias senden mit Betreff ich hatte heute viel Spaß E-MAIL ABRUFEN Rufe E-Mails ab Gibt es heute neue E-Mails von Christian? Zeige neue E-Mails zum Mietvertrag Zeige die E-Mail von Georg von gestern AUF E-MAIL ANTWORTEN Antworte liebe Diana bitte entschuldige die späte Zahlung Rufe ihn im Geschäft an FINDMYFRIENDS Wo ist Tobias? Wo ist meine Schwester? Ist meine Frau zu Hause? Wo sind alle meine Freunde? Wer ist hier? Wer ist in der Nähe? NACHRICHTEN SENDEN Sage Diana ich bin gleich da Sende eine Nachricht an Tobias Appel Sende eine Nachricht an Georg und sage wie wärs mit morgen Sage Susanne die Vorstellung war klasse Schicke eine Nachricht an Dianas Handy und sage ich komme heute später Sende eine Nachricht an 0401270043 SMS an Tobias und Georg wo seid ihr? BENACHRICHTIGUNGEN VORLESEN Lies meine neuen Nachrichten vor Lies sie noch einmal vor AUF NACHRICHTEN ANTWORTEN Antworte das sind tolle Neuigkeiten Sag ihm ich bin in 10 Minuten dort Ruf sie an MUSIC Spiele The Light of the Sun Leg Trouble auf Zufällige Wiedergabe von Taking back Sunday Spiele Alicia Keys Spiele klassische Musik Spiele meinen Party-Mix Gib meine Wiedergabeliste für unterwegs zufällig wieder Abspielen Pause Überspringen NOTES Notiere 12 Euro für Pizza Notiz hör dir das neue Album von Alicia Keys an Suche meine Restaurantnotiz Erstelle eine Notiz Kinderbücher Füge Max und Moritz zu meiner Notiz Kinderbücher hinzu PHONE Rufe Tobias an Wähle die Handynummer von Susanne Ring Rufe Diana auf ihrer Geschäftsnummer an 040 1270043 anrufen Rufe zuhause an Starte einen FaceTime-Anruf mit Georg REMINDERS Erinnere mich Mama anrufen Erinnere mich daran Mama anrufen wenn ich nach Hause komme Denke dran Schirm mitnehmen Erinnere mich morgen früh um 6 daran Medizin nehmen Erinnere mich dran Blumen abholen wenn ich hier weg gehe Erinnere mich daran Tobias anrufen wenn ich das Büro verlasse Neue Erinnerung für 18 Uhr Bericht fertigstellen STOCKS Was kostet die Apple-Aktie? Wie ist das Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis von Apple? Wie ist der Schlusskurs von Yahoo heute? Wie steht der Dow Jones heute? Wie sehen die Börsen aus? Wie steht der DAX? WEATHER Wie wird das Wetter heute? Wie wird das Wetter morgen? Wird es in Detmold diese Woche regnen? Zeige die Vorhersage für Berlin für nächste Woche Wie ist die Vorhersage für den Abend? Wie ist im Moment das Wetter in Frankfurt? Wie heiß wird es an diesem Wochenende in München? Was wird die Höchsttemperatur am Donnerstag in Heidelberg sein? Wie ist die Außentemperatur? Ist es windig heute? Wann geht in Paris die Sonne auf? WEBSEARCH Suche im Internet nach Sylt Suche vegetarische Nudelrezepte Suche im Internet nach Flugpreisen Google nach dreißigjähriger Krieg Suche auf Wikipedia nach Konrad Adenauer Suche im Web nach Weltmeisterschaft Bing-Suche nach Alicia Keys Japanese Section: 連絡先の情報を調べる 斎藤君の住所は? 江川さんの電話番号を教えて 妻の誕生日はいつ? 恵美ちゃんの自宅メールアドレスを表示して 弟の勤務先の住所は? Section: 連絡先を検索する 渡部克也を表示 竹林という名前の人を探して 一井良夫って誰だっけ? Section: 関係者 私のことは小林さんと呼んで 小澤恵美が私の母です 弟の職場に電話をかける Section: 予定を追加する 9時に会議を設定 9時に佐藤君との会議を入れる 正午に愛ちゃんと待ち合わせ 明日の朝9時に人事採用についての会議をセッティング 金曜3時に斎藤康則さんに会う 金曜日の6時半から新宿で歓迎会を開催 Section: 予定を変更する 午後3時からの会議を4時半に変更 歯医者の予約を水曜の午前9時に変更 この会議に溝上を追加 予算審査会議をキャンセル Section: 予定を確認する 今日のこの後の予定は? 金曜日の予定は? 次の約束の時間は? 山口さんに会うのはいつ? 次の会議の場所は? Section: アラーム 明日朝7時に起こして 午前6時半にアラームをセット 8時間後に起こして 6時半のアラームを6時45分に変更 6時30分のアラームをオフにして 7時30分のアラームを削除 Section: 時計 今何時? ベルリンは何時? 今日は何日? 来週の土曜日は何日? Section: タイマー 10分タイマーをセット タイマーを表示 タイマーを一時停止 再開 タイマーをリセット 止めて Section: メールを送信する 真由美に旅行についてメール 幸恵ちゃんに予定変更とメールして 山口さんにメールを送って お父さんに仕送りの件でメール 高橋先生にお祝いありがとうございましたとメール 恵美と大輔に昨日のパーティというメールを送る Section: メールを確認する メールをチェック 今日佐藤さんからメール来た? 賃貸契約に関する新着メールを表示 渡部から昨日来たメールを見せて Section: メールに返信する このメールに支払いが遅れて申し訳ありませんと返信 その人に電話して Section: FINDMYFRIENDS 賢は今どこにいる? 妹の現在地を教えて 奥さんは今家にいる? 友達全員の居場所を教えて この辺に誰かいる? 誰か近くにいる? Section: メッセージを送信する 克也君にすぐ行きますと伝えて 溝上雄大さんにメッセージを送る 良夫に明日はどうですかというメッセージを送信 真由美に最高のショーでしたと伝える 浩の携帯に少し遅れますというメッセージを送って 0312341234にメッセージを送信 斎藤と高橋に今どこにいるとメッセージ Section: メッセージを読み上げる 新着メッセージを読み上げて もう一度読んで Section: メッセージに返信する 素敵なお知らせありがとうと返信 その人に10分で着きますって伝えて 彼女に電話して Section: MUSIC Light of the Sunを再生 Troubleを再生 Taking Back Sundayをシャッフル再生 Alicia Keysの曲をかける ブルースを再生 パーティーミックスを再生 ロードトリッププレイリストを再生 再生 一時停止 スキップ Section: NOTES 今日のランチ代は980円とメモ Alicia Keysの新譜をチェックとメモして レストランに関するメモを検索 読書リストというメモを作成 トム・ソーヤーの冒険を読書リストというメモに追加 Section: PHONE 康則君に電話 竹林さんの携帯に電話 恵美ちゃんの職場に電話 0312341234に電話をかける 家に電話して 真由美とFaceTime Section: REMINDERS 母に電話するのをリマインド 家に着いたら母さんに電話をするのを思い出させて 傘を持っていくのをリマインドして 明日の朝6時に薬を飲むのを思い出させて ここを出るときに智に電話をするようにリマインドして 6時にレポートのことを思い出させて Section: STOCKS Appleの株価は? AppleのPERを教えて Yahooの今日の終値はいくら? 日経平均の調子は? 今日の株式市場は? 現在のダウ平均は? Section: WEATHER 今日の天気は? 明日の天気を調べて 今週、東京は雨が降りそう? 大阪の来週の天気予報を教えて 今夜の天気予報は? 名古屋の今の天気は? 今週末、沖縄は暑くなる? 福岡の木曜日の最高気温は? 外の気温は? パリの日の出は何時? Section: WEBSEARCH ボラボラ島をWebで検索 ベジタリアンパスタのレシピを検索して 一番お得なプロバイダをWebで調べて 米英戦争をGoogleで検索 Wikipediaで伊藤博文のことを調べる ワールドカップのニュースを探して Alicia KeysをBingで調べる French QUESTIONS SUR LES CONTACTS Quel est le numéro d'Alex ? Quand est la date d'anniversaire de ma femme ? Affiche l'adresse email personnelle de Stéphanie Où habite Alexandre ? RECHERCHE DE CONTACTS Affiche Alexandre Moha Trouve les personnes appelées Druon Qui est Philippe Pollet ? RELATIONS Philippe Pollet est mon frère Appelle mon frère à son bureau AJOUT D'ÉVÉNEMENTS Programme une réunion à 9h Prévois une réunion avec Philippe à 9h Programme un rendez-vous chez le dentiste lundi prochain à 8h Prévois une réunion sur le recrutement demain matin à 9h Nouveau rendez-vous avec Stéphanie Baroux à 15h Prévois une réunion de planning à 8h30 aujourd'hui dans la salle de conférence MODIFICATION D'ÉVÉNEMENTS Déplace ma réunion de 15h pour 16h30 Décale mon prochain rendez-vous Ajoute Florence à ma réunion avec Alexandre Annule la réunion de révision du budget QUESTIONS SUR LES ÉVÉNEMENTS À quoi ressemble le reste de ma journée ? Qu'est-ce que j'ai de prévu vendredi ? Quand est mon prochain rendez-vous ? Quand est-ce que je vois Philippe ? Où se trouve ma prochaine réunion ? ALARME Réveille-moi demain matin à 7h Mets un réveil pour 6h30 tous les matins Réveille-moi dans 8 heures Éteins mon réveil de 6h30 Supprime mon réveil de 7h30 Éteins tous mes réveils HORLOGE Quelle heure est-il ? Quelle heure est-il à Berlin ? Quel jour tombe le 1er mai ? Quelle est la date d'aujourd'hui ? MINUTEUR Règle le minuteur sur 10 minutes Affiche le minuteur Mets en pause le minuteur Reprends Réinitialise le minuteur Arrête-le ENVOI D'EMAILS Envoie un email à Florence à propos du voyage Envoie un email à Stéphanie sur le changement de programme Nouveau mail à Stéphanie Baroux Envoie un email à Papa à propos du chèque de loyer Envoie un email à Florence avec Sortie cinéma comme objet Envoyer un email à Florence Baroux pour lui dire que j'ai reçu les formulaires Envoie un email à Florence et Alexandre objet Sortie cinéma contenu Voilà un film génial CONSULTATION D'EMAILS Montre-moi mes emails Est-ce que j'ai reçu des emails de Philippe aujourd'hui Affiche les nouveaux courriers concernant le bail Affiche l'email de Florence reçu hier RÉPONSE À DES EMAILS Réponds Chère Stéphanie désolé pour le retard de ce paiement Réponds-lui que tout va pour le mieux FINDMYFRIENDS Où se trouve Philippe ? Où se trouve ma sœur ? Où se trouvent tous mes amis ? Qui est ici ? ENVOI DE MESSAGES Dis à Philippe que j'arrive Envoie un message à Alexandre Moha Envoie un SMS à Florence disant Pourquoi pas demain ? Dis à Stéphanie que le spectacle était super Envoie un message à Florence sur son portable disant que je serai en retard Envoie un message au 01 41 68 22 30 Envoie par texto à Alexandre et Florence Où êtes vous ? CONSULTATION DES NOUVEAUX MESSAGES Lis mes nouveaux messages Relis RÉPONSE À DES MESSAGES Réponds c'est une excellente nouvelle Dis-lui que je serai là dans 10 minutes MUSIC Écouter Light of the Sun Joue Trouble Jouer Taking Back Sunday en aléatoire Mets Alicia Keys Joue ma liste de lecture Soirée Mets de la musique rock Lecture aléatoire de ma liste de lecture Voyage Lecture Pause Suivant NOTES Note que j'ai dépensé 12€ pour le déjeuner Prendre en note Écouter le nouvel album d'Alicia Keys Trouve ma note sur les restaurants Crée une note Liste de livres à lire PHONE Appelle Alexandre Appelle Florence Druon sur son portable Appelle Florence sur son téléphone professionnel Appelle le 01 41 68 22 30 Passe un coup de fil à la maison Lance un appel FaceTime avec Stéphanie REMINDERS Rappelle-moi d'appeler maman Rappelle-moi d'appeler ma mère quand j'arrive chez moi Rappelle-moi de prendre un parapluie Rappelle-moi de prendre mes médicaments demain matin à 6h Fais-moi penser à aller chercher des fleurs en partant Fais-moi penser à appeler Alexandre quand je pars d'ici Me rappeler de terminer le rapport avant 6h Ne pas oublier que le gâteau est cuit dans 20 minutes STOCKS Quel est le cours de l'action Apple ? Quelle est la capitalisation boursière d'Apple ? Quel était le prix à l'ouverture pour Yahoo aujourd'hui ? Compare Apple et Yahoo Est-ce que l'action Apple est en hausse ? Comment se porte le CAC 40 ? WEATHER Quel temps fera-t-il demain ? Quel temps est prévu pour aujourd'hui ? Est-ce qu'il va pleuvoir à Lyon cette semaine ? Regarde les prévisions météo de la semaine prochaine à Lorient Quelles sont les prévisions pour ce soir ? Quel temps fait-il à Biarritz en ce moment ? Est-ce qu'il va faire chaud à Montpellier ce week-end ? Quelle sera la température maximale à Lille jeudi ? Quelle température fait-il dehors ? Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de vent ? À quelle heure se lève le soleil à Paris ? WEBSEARCH Recherche Bora Bora sur le Web Recherche sur le Web les meilleurs tarifs pour Internet Recherche la guerre de 1870 sur Google Recherche le Général de Gaulle sur Wikipédia Recherche Alicia Keys sur Bing

  • What can you say to Siri in iOS 6?

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Last year, Steve Sande and I put together a "What can you say to Siri" post that proved to be hugely popular. We'd been working on "Talking to Siri: Learning the Language of Apple's Intelligent Assistant", which we initially self-pubbed as an e-book, and then later moved to QUE publishing. We're now working on the second edition of "Talking to Siri" and thought we'd update our original post for iOS 6. A lot of people are now using Siri and Siri-related features. Siri is available on the iPhone 4S, the iPhone 5, the new third generation iPad, and the fifth generation iPod touch. Dictation-only support also appears in OS X Mountain Lion. There's a lot of Siri going around. As we work on our update, we thought we'd share the following Apple-supplied examples for using Siri. It's only a partial list, but it gives a great flavor of what Siri can do. Standout new features include the sports, movies and restaurant categories recently announced by Apple. But there's a lot more too. Siri now supports arbitrary relationships. You can say "Megan Lavey-Heaton is my favorite comics author" and Siri will add that relationship. You can launch applications by saying "Launch Angry Birds" and post to Twitter and Facebook by voice. Siri also now lets you dismiss her (or him) by voice. Say "Goodbye Siri" and Siri will close the interaction window. The examples that follow below only scratch the surface of what you can do with Siri. We're having a ton of fun discovering all Siri's new improved capabilities. Keep your eyes peeled over the next few months as Steve and I share new favorite tricks and tips as we work on our update. Have you found some great new Siri features? Share them in the comments! ASKING ABOUT CONTACTS What's Emily's address? What is Susan Park's phone number? When is my wife's birthday? Show Lindsey's home email address What's my brother's work address? FINDING CONTACTS Show Brian Conway Find people named Park Who is Jimmy Patrick? ESTABLISHING RELATIONSHIPS My mom is Susan Park Jimmy Patrick is my brother Call my brother at work APP LAUNCHING Open Photos Play Infinity Blade II ADDING EVENTS Set up a meeting at 9 Set up a meeting with Jimmy at 9 Meet with Emily at noon Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am New appointment with Susan Park Friday at 3 Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom CHANGING EVENTS Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30 Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Patrick to next Monday at 9am Add Emily to my meeting with Brian Cancel the budget review meeting ASKING ABOUT EVENTS What does the rest of my day look like? What's on my calendar for Friday? When is my next appointment? When am I meeting with Jimmy? Where is my next meeting? USING ALARMS Wake me up tomorrow at 7am Set an alarm for 6:30am Wake me up in 8 hours Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45 Turn off my 6:30 alarm Delete my 7:30 alarm CLOCK What time is it in Berlin? What is today's date? What's the date this Saturday? TIMER Set the timer for ten minutes Show the timer Pause the timer Resume Reset the timer Stop it SENDING EMAIL Email Emily about the trip Email Lindsey about the change in plans New email to Susan Park Mail Dad about the rent check Email Dr. Patrick and say I got the forms, thanks Mail Emily and Brian about the party and say I had a great time CHECKING EMAIL Check email Any new email from Jimmy today? Show new mail about the lease Show the email from Emily yesterday RESPONDING TO EMAIL Reply Dear Susan sorry about the late payment Call him at work FACETIME FaceTime Brian Make a FaceTime call to Susan Park FACEBOOK Post to Facebook headed to the new Pixar movie Write on my wall just landed in San Jose! FIND MY FRIENDS Where's Brian? Where is my sister? Is my wife at home? Where are all my friends? Who is here? Who is near me? Let me know when Jimmy leaves home Let Susan know when I leave work LOCKSCREEN READING Read my notifications Do I have any new messages? MAPS Show me the Golden Gate Bridge Show me a map of 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California LOCAL BUSINESSES Find coffee near me Where's the nearest coffee shop? Find a gas station near work NAVIGATION How do I get home? Directions to my dad's work Get me directions from San Francisco to Santa Barbara What's my next turn? Are we there yet? What's my ETA? Find a florist along my current route MAPS Show me the Golden Gate Bridge Show me a map of 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California LOCAL BUSINESSES Find coffee near me Where's the nearest coffee shop? Find a gas station near work NAVIGATION How do I get home? Directions to my dad's work Get me directions from San Francisco to Santa Barbara SENDING MESSAGES Tell Susan I'll be right there Send a message to Brian Conway Send a message to Emily saying how about tomorrow Tell Lindsey the show was great Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying I'll be late Send a message to 408 555 1212 Text Brian and Emily where are you? READING MESSAGE ALERTS Read my new messages Read it again RESPONDING TO MESSAGES Reply that's great news Tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes Call her SEARCHING FOR MOVIE INFORMATION Find Disney movies What comedies are playing? Who starred in Tron Legacy? Who directed Finding Nemo? What is Toy Story 3 rated? FINDING MOVIE SHOWTIMES I want to see the new Pixar movie What's playing at the movies tomorrow? What's playing at Main Street Cinema FINDING MOVIE THEATERS Find some movie theaters near my office READING MOVIE REVIEWS Show me the reviews for Toy Story 3 MAJOR MOVIE AWARDS Which movie won Best Picture in 1983? MUSIC Play Walk by Foo Fighters Play Little Broken Hearts shuffled Play Norah Jones Play some blues Play my party mix Shuffle my roadtrip playlist Play Pause Skip NOTES Note that I spent $12 on lunch Note to self: check out that new Norah Jones album Find my meeting notes Show me my notes from June 25 PHONE Call Brian Call Emily's mobile Call Susan on her work phone Call 408 555 1212 Call home FaceTime Emily REMINDERS Add artichokes to my grocery list Add skydiving to my bucket list Remind me to call mom Remind me to call my mom when I get home Remember to take an umbrella Remind me take my medicine at 6am tomorrow Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here Remind me when I leave to call Brian Remind me to finish the report by 6 Victor Agreda is my hairdresser Kelly Guimont is my colleague SEARCHING FOR RESTAURANTS Find some burger joints in Baltimore Good Mexican restaurants around here RESERVATIONS Table for four in Palo Alto tonight Make a reservation at a romantic Italian restaurant tonight at 7pm RESTAURANT REVIEWS Show me the reviews for Seven Hills in San Francisco SCORES Did the Giants win? How did Kansas City do? What was the score the last time the Tigers played the Red Sox? Show me the football scores from last night GAME SCHEDULES When do the Giants play next? When is the Boston Red Sox's first game of the season? Show me the schedule for baseball PLAYER INFORMATION Who has the highest slugging percentage? Who has the most home runs on the Giants? Who has the most goals in soccer? Which quarterback has the most passing yards TEAM INFORMATION Show me the roster for the Dodgers Who is pitching for the Miami Marlins this season? Is anyone on the Red Sox injured? STOCKS What's Apple's stock price? What is Apple's PE ratio? What did Yahoo close at today? How is the Nikkei doing? How are the markets doing? What is the Dow at? TWITTER Post to Twitter another beautiful day in Cupertino Tweet with my location great concert Tweet meeting up with Brian Conway for lunch today Tweet the new iPad looks insanely great! hashtag Apple Keynote WEATHER What's the weather for today? What's the weather for tomorrow? Will it rain in Cupertino this week? Check next week's forecast for Burlington What's the forecast for this evening? How's the weather in Tampa right now? How hot will it be in Palm Springs this weekend? What's the high for Anchorage on Thursday? What's the temperature outside? How windy is it out there? When is sunrise in Paris? WEB SEARCH Search the web for polar bears Search for vegetarian pasta recipes Search the web for best cable plans Search Wikipedia for Abraham Lincoln Bing Foo Fighters (We know, we know. Sorry.) WOLFRAM ALPHA What does repartee mean? How many calories in a bagel? What is an 18% tip on $86.74 for four people? Who's buried in Grant's tomb? How long do dogs live? What is the Gossamer Condor? What's the square root of 128? How many dollars is €45? How many days until Christmas? How far away is the Sun? When is the next solar eclipse? Show me the Orion constellation What's the population of Jamaica? How high is Mt. Everest? How deep is the Atlantic ocean? What's the price of gasoline in Chicago?

  • Daily Update for October 31, 2011

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    It's the TUAW Daily Update, your source for Apple news in a convenient audio format. You'll get all the top Apple stories of the day in three to five minutes for a quick review of what's happening in the Apple world. You can listen to today's Apple stories by clicking the inline player (requires Flash) or the non-Flash link below. To subscribe to the podcast for daily listening through iTunes, click here. No Flash? Click here to listen.