

  • Tour inside Blizzard's memorabilia museum

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We haven't seen much inside the doors of Blizzard HQ, but just recently they've apparently started letting the press in -- first we had that OC Register look on the inside, and now this, a little video shoot inside Blizzard's on-campus museum. And sure, the museum is cool and all (it's got all the licensed material, concept art from all the games, and even a copy of Starcraft that actually went into space), but am I the only one that would kind of rather see the Warcraft-themed cafeteria and the employee gym. I've already seen the Warcraft board game -- bring on the places that we can't go!Still, the museum seems like an "awesommme" place, according to this woman. And I especially like the statue that they're going to put in the courtyard. It's just the kind of thing you might see outside an evil mastermind's lair, or a training school for supervillians. Wait a minute...[Via Massively]