

  • Trinity 1.01 live on EVE server

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Trinity 1.01 is now out on Tranquility. Patch notes are right here, or also after the break, if you happen to be at work.Highlights include Mac and Linux stability (and EVE Voice now working under Mac), lots of fixes to drones (shields will no longer regen instantly when recalled to the drone bay, and the tutorial was fixed), and a special note, way down at the bottom: "No Windows files were harmed during the creation or deployment of this patch." Ha-- let's hope so. I'm jumping in right now to get some mining done (let's see how that Astrogeology V that I just finished helps out-- if you see anything cool changed in the game, note it in the comments below.Update: Well that's a bummer-- looks like they also fixed the mining sound issue. Too bad-- I really liked a) not having that grinding noise going all the time, and b) getting a little alert when my lasers had pulled in ore.

  • EVE Trinity: CCP's take on the boot.ini debacle

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    In a recent EVE Dev blog, Dr. Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson, big shot Director of the EVE Online Software Group shed some light on the installer code that ended up bricking computers running certain Windows XP installations. I'm not a programmer, but I can tell the EVE: Trinity installer code was a wee-bit sloppy from reading the following discussion thread. The good software Doctor also poses several questions and answers to instill a little clarity on what CCP is doing to make sure this doesn't happen again.According to the Dev blog 215 players contacted CCP directly for assistance. Other numbers are missing, left to the wayside, numbers much bigger than 215. How many premium patch clients were downloaded prior to the applied fix? CCP has those numbers, but in this case, Thorsteinsson leaves an impression that CCP is downplaying the boot.ini fiasco as something that more or less only affected a handful of players. As seen in this thread and many others like it, tons of players took their own initiatives without contacting CCP at all. Anecdotal evidence alone would put the number much higher, into the thousands, but probably not in the tens of thousands. CCP has gone on to implement better testing (you know normal Windows XP installs their players actually use) procedures to improve QA procedures and practices.

  • Making light of the bootini incident

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Who was it that said "comedy equals tragedy plus time"? Apparently enough time has passed since EVE's "bootini incident" (at least that's what I'd prefer to call it) that people are finally starting to have a sense of humor about the fact that CCP accidentally may have ruined their OS installations. The forums are filling with jokes (I especially like the fake killmail-- "corp: Microsoft; destroyed: boot.ini"), stories, poetry, ("A fast screen of pain is all he sees, / No boot.ini on XP for he"), and even a Goonswarm-photoshopped card for the EVE CCG. Funny stuff.The discussion isn't all good-natured-- some folks are trying to demand "compensation" (some in actual cash, and some in the more likely extra game-time), while many people are saying that to not expect bugs, even this big, on patch day is just wishful thinking.At any rate, the issue has been fixed at this point-- no one who updates after this will have the problem, and the only question that remains is what CCP will do, if anything, for those affected. And Trinity's patching will stand as a warning for other MMOs-- on every big patch day, remember bootini!