

  • Bury the Shovelware: Bratz Ponyz 2

    Kaes Delgrego
    Kaes Delgrego

    After a few controversial picks, I've decided to take the edge off and pick on an easy target. After all, doesn't picking on the weak make us all feel a little better? So don't worry about today: we've got not one but TWO S's replaced with Z's! Pedigree Instead of talking about the developer and publisher, let's just take a long look at the title. It's in three parts. First: "Bratz," a franchise which has been criticized locally for allegedly attempting to sell sex to children. Abroad, things are even worse: "On December 21, 2006, the National Labor Committee announced that the factory workers in China, who make Bratz dolls, labor for 94.5 hours a week, while the factory pays only $0.515 an hour, $4.13 a day. The per doll amount is $0.17, much less than the Bratz dolls actually cost (from $20 to $40)." (Wikipedia). And most important of all, let's not forget the last letter of the first word, a disgusting trait also shared with the second word: "Ponyz." When did the letter "S" become uncool? Did he totally say ohmigod and she was all like "right?" Or did Z suddenly become incredibly popular? Did Z come skateboarding through space while wearing sunglasses and playing a hot pink electric guitar? That's still cool, right? Finally, we have the number 2 ... as if there were so many unanswered questions at the end of Bratz Ponyz 1.

  • Bratz Ponyz screenz cause complex emotionz

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    It's ... it's not even a Bratz game. It's a Bratz spinoff game. It's more than likely a terrible cash-in game built around a horrible property, presented to little girls in the most insultingly manipulative way possible. It's way beyond the cliche of guys thinking girls' toys are gross; Bratz are just icky and wrong.Still, somewhere in these Bratz Ponyz, obscured by the corporate-designed horrible character art, we see a mid-90s PC-game/ToeJam & Earl art style peeking out. Seriously, those brightly-colored, cartoony backgrounds would easily be classified as good game art if it weren't for all the Abominationz treading their cloven, chibi hooves all over it. We can't believe what we're saying, but it looks kind of nice. What is happening?The screens are after the break, in support of the poor artist who got stuck on this project. Chin up, DS-game-artist-guy. You'll get away from the extraneous Z's one day. We also can't help but point out how the game apparently encourages kids to get "tatooz"-- for their horses.[Via NeoGAF]