

  • Mongrel Media

    The UK's highest-ever box office takings don't tell the full story

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    All told, 2015 was a pretty good year for UK cinemas. Fuelled by blockbusters such as Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Jurassic World, theaters took £1,240 million over the 12 months -- a new record, and 17 percent higher than 2014. With so much money in the coffers, you would think that cinema attendances were healthy too. Well, yes and no. Ticket sales hit 171.9 million, which was a 9 percent increase over the previous 12 months. Look back at the numbers since 2000, however, and the trend is relatively flat. A high of 175.9 million in 2002, a low of 156.6 million in 2006, another peak of 173.5 million in 2009. You get the idea.