

  • All the World's a Stage: So you want to be possessed

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Today, All the World's a Stage continues a series on "how to be evil," bringing the bad guy back into your fantasy roleplaying, complete with ideas, methods, warnings, and practical examples. Be sure to check out steps 1-3 on the path to evil here.It's been said that the secret to writing a good story is not having a really interesting hero, but rather an interesting villain. The hero himself is defined by the villain in many ways, just as a sports team becomes famous only once they've defeated the last year's champions, or a runner breaks the world record for speed, a hero needs someone to test himself against, a great obstacle for him to overcome or destroy. If the villain is interesting, then the hero will be interesting too.It is natural, then, for a roleplayer to want to test his own heroes or those of his friends against some obstacles as well. Many of us sit down with the intention of creating a really interesting challenge for our guildmates to overcome – but in our creative endeavor we must remember that danger lurks behind every corner, and creating a villain in itself is a task with significant obstacles to overcome. In fact, one might say that the greatest enemy of such a roleplayer is none other than his own self, the ghost of cliché lurking just outside his field of creative vision.

  • Wii Warm Up: Underused ideas

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We see a lot of games in which you race cars or karts, play as some sort of soldier or agent (sometimes in space), or a young man with a large weapon of some sort, which he and his friends must use to stave off impending doom. You get the idea, and you know the patterns. But what would you like to see that isn't used a lot? Through out your creative settings or ideas. Arctic regions? Werewolves? Mowing lawns? Oh, wait, we did that.

  • Game name stereotypes

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The staff over at CMP Media had the gauntlet thrown down by Game Developer Magazine's Editor Jill Duffy to come up with the most stereotypical video game name. They touched their brains in the soft spots and came up with: Quaternion: The Beige-ning WWII: World War II Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's Call Of Duty: Revenge Of Duty Pauly Shore's XTREME Nude Wakeboarding II: The Awakening Final Fantasy VII: The Black Gate: Part Two Obviously "WWII: World War II" won among the staff. A similar rant about the naming of games occured on 1UP a few weeks ago. Is there a simple name to just sum up every major title in the industry? How about: Super Master Chief Off-road DS?