

  • Combat rating system explained

    David Nelson
    David Nelson

    Eyonix has let us all in on the details of the new combat rating system being rolled out in the Burning Crusade expansion. Basically the combat rating system takes any current combat stat that is measured by a percentage and instead measures that stat by a combat rating. The higher rating you have, the better percent to crit, dodge, parry, etc. And it scales by level, so a 14 dodge rating at level 25 equates to a much higher dodge percentage than the same 14 rating at level 65. Why change the system? According to Eyonix, this is going to allow Blizzard to create items without eventually reaching a point where people could have a 100% chance to crit, dodge, etc. Eyonix also explains exactly how the new resilience stat will function. Have I confused you with my lame explanation? No doubt! Thankfully Eyonix lays this out much better than I could, and if you like doing all the math for your character, or you simply want to know what all these new ratings mean, you should definitely check it out. For you folks stuck at work and unable to get to, you will find Eyonix's complete post after the jump.