

  • Patch 2.3 and you: Druid Edition

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    With Patch 2.2 out the door, the official information about 2.3 hasn't stopped all afternoon. Here's what's in store for Druids as confirmed on the official forums by blues: Spell damage added to Healing gear. This was hinted at during Blizzcon and confirmed today: All +Heal gear will receive one-third of the healing bonus as +spell damage. So a chest piece with +750 healing will now also have +250 spell damage. The addition of spell damage is a bonus and will not lower any other stat on the equipment. (source) Intensity is changing. Currently, this Restoration talent increases your mana regeneration in combat 5%/10%/15%. After Patch 2.3, the mana regeneration will increase to 10%/20%/30%. (source) Innvervate will not be changing, but Tranquility will be receiving the benefit of +Heal gear. (source) Druid combat rez is having its cooldown reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes. CM Bornakk went on to confirm that the cooldown will not be reduced any further since that would seriously imbalance PvP. (source) Zul'Aman is ready to go in Patch 2.3. This is important news for druids as some Balance spec itemization issues were promised to be addressed in this 10-man post-Karazhan instance. New relics for Druid, Shaman and Paladin PvP players. Blues didn't have specific details but promised they would be tailored for many different specs. (source 1, source 2) Moonkin's PvP viability will get a boost: they will be able to cast Remove Curse while in Moonkin form. (source) Tree of Life form will be able to cast Cure Poison and Abolish Poison. (source) No changes planned for feral druids in this patch. (source) What these changes mean to druids after the jump.