

  • European trademark suggests Yakuza: Of the End coming to the west as 'Yakuza: Dead Souls'

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Sega's Daisuke Sato hinted to us during TGS that Sega might be thinking about localizing Yakuza: Of the End. We now have another hint in the form of a European trademark. Just yesterday, Sega filed "Yakuza: Dead Souls," a better, more natural-sounding potential subtitle than "Of the End." There are a few other unlocalized Yakuza projects -- Yakuza Kenzan, the PSP Black Panther and its sequel, and a mobile game for GREE -- but "Dead Souls" is a more fitting name for the zombie shooter Of the End than for any of those, and thus the most likely use of the "Dead Souls" name. We're checking with Sega, in the hope that it'll confirm the transplant of a zombie-filled Tokyo to America and Europe. [Thanks, George.]

  • Sato: 'If' Sega localizes Yakuza: Of the End, it will have new controls

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Daisuke Sato, director of Binary Domain and Yakuza 3, wouldn't say whether or not Sega had any plans to release the team's previous shooter, the very weird Yakuza: Of the End, in America and Europe. But he offered a hypothetical that suggested that, at least, the thought has come up. When asked about how Binary Domain compares to Yakuza: Of the End (and indirectly to other shooters), Sato said "For the western version of Yakuza: Of the End -- if that's going to happen, then we will tweak the controls, to be closer to other western shooting franchises." Not when, if. Sato wouldn't elaborate on whether or not there were actual plans. The odds are in favor of it: every Yakuza game has been localized, with the exception of the samurai spinoff Yakuza Kenzan.